I recently bought a 2003 SL500 and it has two different foglamp lenses. The foglamps are both original ( A 203 820 11/12 56 ) but someone has clearly changed one of the lenses. One is non-transparrent with tightly packed vertical ridges the other is almost completely transparrent with a vertical ridge every half inch or so. Problem I have is that I can only find one part number for this lens on EPC ( genuine EPC ) even if I look at W203s etc. On some cars in EPC the lens is described as 'diffuser lens' and other cars just call it 'lens' but they both have the same part numbers A 203 826 01/02 90. I have been into my dealer but they can't find a distinct part number for the clear one which is what I need to match them up. Does anyone have a part number for the clear lens? Thanks in advance...