I want to canvass the opinion of the forum of m156 amg owners on which gear is preferable to overtake from 40mph. This speed seems like a bit of a grey area caught between two stools. Below is an easy 2nd and above is clearly 3rd.
Imagine the all to common situation of coming up behind the standard 40mph dawdler on a B road. To overtake from this speed both 2nd or 3rd have their pros and cons. 2nd obviously gives the quickest initial acceleration but I find can this can be slightly savage in that you have to position the car before pressing the accelerator. 3rd on the other hand allows a more fluid overtake although the trade off is slower acceleration as it 40mph the rpm is below peak torque.
What would be people’s preference maybe I’m overthinking this but
Id like to throw the floor open to hear peoples opinions...
Imagine the all to common situation of coming up behind the standard 40mph dawdler on a B road. To overtake from this speed both 2nd or 3rd have their pros and cons. 2nd obviously gives the quickest initial acceleration but I find can this can be slightly savage in that you have to position the car before pressing the accelerator. 3rd on the other hand allows a more fluid overtake although the trade off is slower acceleration as it 40mph the rpm is below peak torque.
What would be people’s preference maybe I’m overthinking this but
Id like to throw the floor open to hear peoples opinions...