Petrol Pete
Hardcore MB Enthusiast
In the news today It would appear that the guy accused of murdering a man by crossbow has been grassed up by his Land Rover despite the vehicle being found completely destroyed by fire after the alleged murder.
JLR handed the police a remote log of where the car had been on the day of the murder and even pin pointed when the boot was opened and closed - which the prosecution argue is when the alleged killer removed and replaced the crossbow. All without even going near the wrecked car as it was in the database at JLR.
In this case that might turn out to be a good thing, but talk about Big Brother !
P.S I know Bezos , Zukerberg and everyone at my mobile phone/internet supplier Knows where I am right now but Whew ! where will it end ? (Hopefully in a murder prosecution in this case)
JLR handed the police a remote log of where the car had been on the day of the murder and even pin pointed when the boot was opened and closed - which the prosecution argue is when the alleged killer removed and replaced the crossbow. All without even going near the wrecked car as it was in the database at JLR.
In this case that might turn out to be a good thing, but talk about Big Brother !
P.S I know Bezos , Zukerberg and everyone at my mobile phone/internet supplier Knows where I am right now but Whew ! where will it end ? (Hopefully in a murder prosecution in this case)