Active Member
Been driving a company car for the last 5 years and havn't had to think about anything . . . everything was taken care of. Now I run my own car and I forgot one little thing . . . . The AA. Drove to Potters Bar this morning in the pouring rain , arrived at my appointment only to curb it cutting a 1 inch gash in my brand new tire.
In my haste last week after getting the tires changed, I left the locking key at home. D'OH!!!!!! With no other choice, I had to call AA, joining on the phone having to pay a £99 call-out since I was not already a member. Towed home, changed the tire myself, bought a new tire to replae the shredded tire. So all in all, I missed 2 appointments (luckily I have understanding customers) and I'm down £170 (tire+call out) and the £126 for membership.
Oh well, live and learn.

Oh well, live and learn.