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Idiotic copper

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Active Member
Aug 13, 2011
300 CE
Had an incident with a traffic police officer on friday morning around 1am on the A406. I was driving home going towards hanger lane roundabout and was driving in the first lane as the motorway was reduced to 1 lane due to road works. Once the road had opened up i indicated and moved into the 2nd lane driving at 50mph, cruising when out of nowhere a police car pulls right up behind me and starts flashing its lights, looking in the rear view mirror i see him pointing to the left indicating to me to pull over, i indicate, move over put my hazards on and started slowing down when i notice the officer turns his lights off and speeds off. Having seen this i decided that to move back into the 2nd lane and contiue on with my journey as this is the lane i had to stay in to continue onto the a40 to go home. Having done so i saw the officer do an emergency brake turns its blues and twos on and requests me to pull over. The conversation goes as follows:
Officer: knocks on window and says "get out of the car"
Me: "excuse me officer can you please tell me why you have pulled me over"
Officer: "get out of the car now, come to the pavement i want to talk to you"
Me: "can you please state why you have pulled me over today"
Officer: officer goes over to the pavement stares at my car for a good minute comes back to the window and say "get out of the car now before i drag you out of your window, arrest you and throw you in jail"
Me: i then decided to turn off my car and get out of the car as the officer was being very aggressive and i was really scared at this point as he was reaching for his baton.
Officer: "have you been drinking today"
Me: "no officer i dont drink and you still haven't stated why you have pulled me over today"
Officer: "i can tell you have been drinking im going to do a breathelizer test on you, report you to the magistrates court for driving without due care and attention and give you points on your license"
Me: "excuse me you still havent told me why you have pulled me over today you are threatening me with a crime i didn't commit"
Officer: "dont give me attitude mate i dont know who you are, i dont care, i will cuff throw your ass in jail if you continue giving me attitude, now give me some id before i make life very difficult for you"
Me: i proceed to hand my driving license over which he looks at my name and states again
Officer: "you have been drinking today"
Me: "ive told you already that i dont drink you can tell by my name that i am a muslim i dont smoke or drink and havent broken the law in 9 years of driving. Can you please state why you have pulled me over today"
Officer: "you were driving in two lanes"
Me: "no i wasn't"
Officer: "you were driving in the second lane, if i pull up behind you and flash my lights you move into the left lane, you dont join the second lane again as the highway code states you have to drive in the first lane"
Me: "erm ok then, so basically you wanted me to drive in the first lane even though i was abiding by the speed limit"
Officer: "yes, you dont know the highway code (so he proceeds to get the highway code from his car and brandishes it in my face).
Me: "okay cool, can you please show me the video for which you have stated that i was driving in two lanes please"

he then takes me to the car and it shows him driving like a loony tune from a mile back driving in and out of 3 lanes of traffic just to get to me. I then apologised for the apparent attitude and requested my driving license back. Stated that i do not wish to have points on my license and asked if i could continue with my journey. Being **** scared at this point due to the officers aggressive behaviour towards me it didn't clock on to me that i shouldve recorded the convo and take down his badge details. I did take down his number plate and have given this to a friend who works at the police station along with a description of what he looks like. Will be sending in a complaint to the IPCC. :dk:
I'm sure if you stayed in lane 1 (as per the highway code) none of this would have happened? There was no need to be in lane 2 up to this point.

i needed to be in that lane in order for me to join the a40 to go home.
Although I do not agree with his methods it is good to hear about a traffic officer who is willing to take action against the very annoying and sometimes dangerous habit of sitting in the middle lane.
He sounds like a nasty piece of work.

Now, can you explain why you had to be in lane two...unless you were imminently about to join the A40?
He's stated several times that he was about to join the A40!!

If the officer had acted in a reasonable manner he might have got a bit more respect. IMHO he acted like a complete d1ck and should be reported.
Middle lane hog enforcement by the police!

Never thought I'd see it happen. :thumb:
The original post reads like a chip on the shoulder wind up to me.

The O/p clearly says he was in the wrong on two occasions, then is deliberately evasive to the Policeman, claims the Policeman was threatening and abusive, (using language I doubt any modern Police would use), then pulls the religion card.

I take it it is April 1st today?
Dieselman dont think you are all there mate, no one is using the religion card here if that was the case then i would use it in my complaint. Good to see some narrow minded individuals on this forum.
that policeman was his own therefore he couldv'e said anything he wanted to as there was no witness to testify against him. If i had recorded it i would've put it on youtube and you couldve heard it yourselves, chip on the shoulder don't think so.
Dieselman dont think you are all there mate, no one is using the religion card here if that was the case then i would use it in my complaint. Good to see some narrow minded individuals on this forum.

I don't believe your report of what the policeman actually said is factually correct, but you said...

Me: you can tell by my name that i am a muslim

Seems you did bring religion in after all...
Driving in the middle lane on an empty road does tend to piss people off.

Not as much as holding up three lanes of traffic does.

The road wasn't empty.

he then takes me to the car and it shows him driving like a loony tune from a mile back driving in and out of 3 lanes of traffic just to get to me.

The O/p seems to get confused easily. Firstly the road is empty, now it has three lanes of traffic bunched up behind.

It appears to be a legitimate stop of someone driving without due care and lane hogging, but the miscreant doesn't see why he should accept that and has a poor attitude.
It's because he constantly stated if I had been drinking so yeah I did say that but I didn't say that's the reason he pulled me over. I was confused as to why he did pull me over, so what you have stated by quoting what I wrote is factually incorrect.
Sorry but you are wrong I mis-wrote my thread by stating there was traffic the roads were empty and I shouldn't have written there was traffic
It's because he constantly stated if I had been drinking so yeah I did say that but I didn't say that's the reason he pulled me over. I was confused as to why he did pull me over, so what you have stated by quoting what I wrote is factually incorrect.

I'm not confused why. He'd given you a strong hint that you were in the wrong lane. You'd ignored it. He thought he'd have a chat. You presumably were far enough away from the junction for the officer to feel that your lane changing was too early.

If his attitude was as bad as you say he was out of order. It may be that he felt you had attitude. In my experience Policemen are reasonable, until they feel that being reasonable is not working. Your post is too one sided to pass my BS meter to be honest.

You came away with no ticket, move on.
My wife had a similar incident some years ago.

She was driving to Birmingham airport to pick me up from a late night flight. On an unlit part of the A45 dual carraigeway, she got the blue lights and flashing headlights treatment. It was far too dangerous for her to stop there and then as there was no hard shoulder and, anyway, she was a women alone at night on pitch black road, and not about to do anything stupid.

She continued on to the next petrol station, a distance of about a mile, all the while with the blinding lights behind her. She parked up in a well lit part of the service area, as near as possible to the pay kiosk, with all the doors locked and windows closed.

A copper came over and banged on the window, telling her to get out of the car. She cracked open her window and asked to see his ID. He just banged harder on the window and started shouting at her to get out. All this in full view of the petrol station attendant.

This went on for some time time until the second copper in the car came and took over. He was far more sensible, showed my wife his ID and asked her to get out, which she did. He asked why she had not stopped when they first flashed her. She told him how it looked from her point of view, woman alone, dark road etc, etc.

He claimed that she was speeding, which she wasn't, mainly because there are so many cameras on that road that it would be idiotic.

Long story short, they gave her a lecture and let her go. All completely unnecessary; they obviously had nothing else to do!

The point of telling this is to say that the police do behave in this idiotic manner, and then bitch when they think the public are unwilling to help them!
I think the answer is in these facts as stated by the OP, " road opens up, and moves into middle lane at 50mph, gets flashed by police, OP moves over to where he should be, Police passes, then see's OP move back into middle lane" A classic case of poor lane discipline, I would have thought it was obvious why he was stopped. As regards to the Officers attitude, only having one side it is difficult to say.

However driving in the middle lane at 50mph is stupid to say the least, travelling in lanes far too long before it is required is one cause of tailgating, you may be turning right, but you don't need to be out there miles beforehand.
If the road is empty, who are these people who are being p1ssed off?
As said in post #13, the road was busy.

However, the O/p now denies the factual evidence as shown to him on the Police video is correct...or rather his report of it isn't.

Sorry but you are wrong I mis-wrote my thread by stating there was traffic the roads were empty and I shouldn't have written there was traffic
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