Active Member
Did I miss something, or is today Idiot Driver day? In the space of 4 hours today, I have been involved in 4 "near hits"; hate the term near miss, as they didn't nearly miss me, they nearly hit me.
No less than 3 trucks decided to pull out into the fast lane of the M3, M25 and A34 to pass another truck, signalling AFTER my front end reached their back axles. Having to slam HARD on the brakes to avoid becoming the filler in a truck/barrier sandwich. When are we going to get a law like the rest of Europe that restricts trucks passing during certain hours of the day? (especially on dual-carrageways)
The fourth incident today was caused by a plonker in a Mondeo in the outside lane of a roundabout who decided to carry on to the next exit. I was on the middle lane trying to turn off (yes, both lanes were intended for turning on this exit) only to find this Mondeo in my way. He saw me and had to slam on the brakes blocking the whole roundabout and my path to the exit. Another car behind me locked up without anti-lock brakes nearly slamming into me. Then the Mondeo driver had the audacity to flip me off!!!! Me? What the hell did I do?
I kept my cool and did not return the gesture and carried on my way, after waiting what seemed like an eternity for him to move again.
Time for a beer.
Did I miss something, or is today Idiot Driver day? In the space of 4 hours today, I have been involved in 4 "near hits"; hate the term near miss, as they didn't nearly miss me, they nearly hit me.
No less than 3 trucks decided to pull out into the fast lane of the M3, M25 and A34 to pass another truck, signalling AFTER my front end reached their back axles. Having to slam HARD on the brakes to avoid becoming the filler in a truck/barrier sandwich. When are we going to get a law like the rest of Europe that restricts trucks passing during certain hours of the day? (especially on dual-carrageways)

The fourth incident today was caused by a plonker in a Mondeo in the outside lane of a roundabout who decided to carry on to the next exit. I was on the middle lane trying to turn off (yes, both lanes were intended for turning on this exit) only to find this Mondeo in my way. He saw me and had to slam on the brakes blocking the whole roundabout and my path to the exit. Another car behind me locked up without anti-lock brakes nearly slamming into me. Then the Mondeo driver had the audacity to flip me off!!!! Me? What the hell did I do?

Time for a beer.