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idiots unite


Active Member
Aug 3, 2004
Schuylkill Haven, PA, USA

Did I miss something, or is today Idiot Driver day? In the space of 4 hours today, I have been involved in 4 "near hits"; hate the term near miss, as they didn't nearly miss me, they nearly hit me.

No less than 3 trucks decided to pull out into the fast lane of the M3, M25 and A34 to pass another truck, signalling AFTER my front end reached their back axles. Having to slam HARD on the brakes to avoid becoming the filler in a truck/barrier sandwich. When are we going to get a law like the rest of Europe that restricts trucks passing during certain hours of the day? (especially on dual-carrageways) :mad:

The fourth incident today was caused by a plonker in a Mondeo in the outside lane of a roundabout who decided to carry on to the next exit. I was on the middle lane trying to turn off (yes, both lanes were intended for turning on this exit) only to find this Mondeo in my way. He saw me and had to slam on the brakes blocking the whole roundabout and my path to the exit. Another car behind me locked up without anti-lock brakes nearly slamming into me. Then the Mondeo driver had the audacity to flip me off!!!! Me? What the hell did I do? :confused: I kept my cool and did not return the gesture and carried on my way, after waiting what seemed like an eternity for him to move again.


Time for a beer.
anarchy-inc said:

When are we going to get a law like the rest of Europe that restricts trucks passing during certain hours of the day? (especially on dual-carrageways) :mad:

Most of us truck drivers are careful,considerate drivers.
If they passed a law restricting lorries from overtaking, you would get more traffic jams than we do at the moment.
Because, imagine one of my drivers doing 25mph up hill on a 2 laned piece of road because he weighs 44 tonne, another lorry is empty, coming up behind him.
Now, he could either overtake and keep the flow of traffic moving, or he could slow down/brake and mrs Bloggs thinks there is an accident or something else going on. She in turn brakes and the chain reaction begins.
Look at when there is an accident on a motorway.
I sat on the M1 yesterday cos 2 car drivers crashed, the accident being northbound and me being southbound.
Half an hour and 2 miles, just cos people want to look to see if they can see any blood and guts.
They are currently trying the 1 lane only rule on the A16 in France near Dunkirk for 10km, but are thinking of withdrawing it because it just causes snarl-ups.
Anyway, what would you say if your newspaper or corn-flakes were late on your table because I had to sit behind a slower lorry, not being able to overtake. :p
GRAV888 said:
Most of us truck drivers are careful,considerate drivers.
If they passed a law restricting lorries from overtaking, you would get more traffic jams than we do at the moment.
Because, imagine one of my drivers doing 25mph up hill on a 2 laned piece of road because he weighs 44 tonne, another lorry is empty, coming up behind him.

I'm sure you are a careful truck driver and there are many of them, but there are loads of drivers, both car and track, which have no respect for other road users. It is especially annoying when it's a truck as the barrier does not look inviting. :crazy:

As for the laws on passing, I have to disagree with you. In all the places I've seen this in Europe, it has worked. The important thing to remember is that these are not blanket laws covering every road. The signs are only placed in certain locations and in the example you give, it would not be an issue and they should be able to pass, but once the road has less of a gradient, the no passing area would be in effect again.

Years ago I had the displeasure of having to drive regularly to Newcastle from London. I have lost count the number of times that trucks pulling out to pass each other doing only a 1 or 2 mph more on the A1 and A1/M. This is absolutley ridiculous and causes many tailbacks and I'm sure plenty of accidents too. It may sound harsh, but truck drivers who do this are just plain inconsiderate idiots. I should also point out that this applies equally to caravans and sunday car drivers, but I'm sure we all see it more with trucks on some roads.
GRAV888 said:
mrs Bloggs thinks there is an accident or something else going on. She in turn brakes and the chain reaction begins.

Oy!!! less of the "mrs" bloggs - Joe's just as bl**dy capable - especially if he's wearing a trilby :D :p :bannana:

And why would "she" imagine there's an accident just coz a lorry's braking? Could be braking simply because he has indeed come up to a slower moving vehicle and is not allowed to overtake so clearing the way for Mrs &/or Mrs Bloggs and thare happy band of weeny Bloggs. :D

Plus - if everyone kept their distance so they could see sufficiently in front of them rather than only the back end of what's immediately in front of them then a lot of this aggro would be saved anyway :D :p
I agree, but it never happens like that.
GRAV888 said:
I agree, but it never happens like that.

I know - that's why there was a :D and a :p - just me being naughty - it's what two days working in Blackpool does for you :crazy: negotiating with HGV's on the A59 there and back :D
pammy said:
I know - that's why there was a :D and a :p - just me being naughty :D

You just made my mind up to come to Clumber park to tell you off.
Count me and the misses in now :D
GRAV888 said:
You just made my mind up to come to Clumber park to tell you off.
Count me and the misses in now :D

:bannana: :bannana: :bannana:

Your name's now on the list :p - you gonna stay over? - edited - just seen you are - rooom is booked ;)

hell of a way to drum up interest - who else can I rile :D
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pammy said:
Plus - if everyone kept their distance so they could see sufficiently in front of them rather than only the back end of what's immediately in front of them then a lot of this aggro would be saved anyway :D :p

If only, if only . . . . back to reality. ;-)
I feel I have to defend the truck drivers having just finished a stint of driving one up and down the M6 every night for the last two weeks. 99.9% of them are extremly courtious and thoughful. They dont want to hold up anyone as a hold up for them is money wasted and time lost. Its the middle lane racer that gets up my nose. You are in a position to overtake and Mr / Mrs car in front sees a truck and thinks " I am not going to be overtaken by a truck, so humiliating" so they speed up. Only to slow down again when 30 yards in front of you. Mr Proffesional Truck driver is on and off his brake and accelerator like a member of the cast of River Dance. Bloody infuriating. And while I am on the subject just what is wrong with the left hand lane? Does it carry some sort of stigma?

Right I have said enough, apologies to those I may have offended

i I drive every day and have a fleet from cars to tracked vehicals,..landrovers to unimogs to 38 tonnes each demands a differ style of driving,, power be it overtaking or pulling is to be used responsibly car drivers have to power to nip in and out on a motorway ...sometimes cars act a bit like kids running around at a party your always looking out for them dodging them trying to aviod bumping into them but the same rule applies if you bump into my truck you the car driver will come off worse 18 20 38 44 tonnes against a car give us a chance a proper driver will be aware of the fact that a truck doing 56 in the left hand lane poses no threat to tail backs and even when overtaking a slower truck you still have the outside lane Christ how many lanes dose a car need..... I suggest we all get behind the wheel of a truck and then make comments on driving ;)
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mark.t said:
a proper driver will be aware of the fact that a truck doing 56 in the left hand lane poses no threat to tail backs and even when overtaking a slower truck you still have the outside lane Christ how many lanes dose a car need..... I suggest we all get behind the wheel of a truck and then make comments on driving ;)

I'm sorry if I've offended any truck drivers here but I still maintain that trucks passing other trucks at a few mph more on a dual-carrigeway is dangerous to other road users. You could come up with a few examples where it is ok, like passing very slow moving vehicles on a hill etc., but on the whole I think there should be restrictions. I say this not because I'm a speed demon that needs to get places before you, or have some attitude against trucks, but rather I have been the the receiving end of truck drivers who fail to notice cars that have just pulled up along side them and then pull out. This causes the car driver to perform an emergency braking manouver that can cause accidents. How can that be considered safe driving? The fact it has happened to me so many times and seen it happen in front of me to others could be bad luck on my part but I'd venture to guess that I am not alone here.
I must admit - generally I find lorry drivers are great and it's give and take on both sides. Car drivers need to understand the difficulties of driving a very heavy vehicle. So many times I see a car having to nip on front of a lorry going down a hill to a "STOP" junction - the poor lorry then has to slam his brakes on to stop and avoid totalling the offending car, all because of the lack of understanding of the car driver.

Sure there are bad lorry drivers out there. I've been cut up several times - and thats partly coz they don't look. They aren't expecting sommat small and low beside them :( but also there are those that just don't think about any other road user. But that goes across the board.

I like having fun with the nice lorry drivers when driving though - letting each other out, having a little wave, flash of lights etc - brightens the journey, rather than "you're not getting out before I've got past" which just creates grumpiness which then leads to even worse driving and accidents.

I just had a go with a BMW 3 sommat(not badged), nothing serious, just a bit if fun. Poor guy really should have given up. I did coz, his driving was gettting seriously bad - overtaking where he shouldn't just to try and get/keep ahead. He found himself on the wrong side of the road with nowhere to go - all to try and be a big fast boy :crazy:
pammy said:
I must admit - generally I find lorry drivers are great and it's give and take on both sides. Car drivers need to understand the difficulties of driving a very heavy vehicle. So many times I see a car having to nip on front of a lorry going down a hill to a "STOP" junction - the poor lorry then has to slam his brakes on to stop and avoid totalling the offending car, all because of the lack of understanding of the car driver.

Goddess Pammy has spoken :D :D
I'm sorry if I've offended any truck drivers here but I still maintain that trucks passing other trucks at a few mph more on a dual-carrigeway is dangerous to other road users. You could come up with a few examples where it is ok, like passing very slow moving vehicles on a hill etc., but on the whole I think there should be restrictions. I say this not because I'm a speed demon that needs to get places before you, or have some attitude against trucks, but rather I have been the the receiving end of truck drivers who fail to notice cars that have just pulled up along side them and then pull out. This causes the car driver to perform an emergency braking manouver that can cause accidents. How can that be considered safe driving? The fact it has happened to me so many times and seen it happen in front of me to others could be bad luck on my part but I'd venture to guess that I am not alone here.

If you were driving down the motorway and somebody was going 2 - 5mph slower than you would you sit behind them or overtake?
Or do you think it would be better to have a solid line of 100's of lorrys all going at the same speed using up a 10mile stretch of the motorway because they are not allowed to overtake.
Let common sense prevail.
Having sat driving a lorry all day yesterday I have lots of sympathy for lorry drivers, it's hard trying to judge things especially when surrounded by idiot car drivers who think it's funny to annoy.

One other thing, have you never had someone in a car pull out on you without looking?
marcos said:
If you were driving down the motorway and somebody was going 2 - 5mph slower than you would you sit behind them or overtake?

If there were faster moving cars in the fast lane, yes of course. I would not push my way out and force the faster cars to brake. Although cars do this all the time, trucks seem to do this by pushing their weight around.

marcos said:
Or do you think it would be better to have a solid line of 100's of lorrys all going at the same speed using up a 10mile stretch of the motorway because they are not allowed to overtake.

Quite frankly, yes. But please note, I'm only talking about 2 lane motorways and A roads. On a 3+ lane road, they should just stay out of the "fast" or passing lane.

This works very well in Germany where trucks on 2 lane motorways cannot pass during rush hour and this does well to keep the speed of ALL users up. The only trucks you ever see ignoring these rules are the British drivers . . . go figure.

marcos said:
Let common sense prevail.

Yes, lets. Motorways and A roads were designed to keep all traffic moving. Slow moving vehicles have no place in the passing lane, regardless of the vehicle type.

marcos said:
One other thing, have you never had someone in a car pull out on you without looking?

Of course, there are idiots in all types of vehicles, but I have never been nearly rammed into the barrier by a car. I have also never been in a queue on the A1M caused by a car with a limiter that could only overtake at 1mph more than the car next to it.l
pammy said:
Sure there are bad lorry drivers out there. I've been cut up several times - and thats partly coz they don't look. They aren't expecting sommat small and low beside them :( but also there are those that just don't think about any other road user. But that goes across the board.

I think that this about sums it up Pammy, well said. I guess yesterday I was just furious because it happened 3 times in the space of a few hours, all by trucks. I drive about 800-1000 miles a week visiting customers and I see this happen every day but usually not to me personally.
anarchy-inc said:
On a 3+ lane road, they should just stay out of the "fast" or passing lane.

Lorries are already banned from using the outer lane on a 3+ laned motorway (except for reasons such as roadworks or a police officer gives directions to use it).
and just another aspect to this. Not only are some drivers just better or worse than others - we all make mistakes - except for me of course :p And I don't believe anyone who says they don't!

We're all capable of misjudging the space or speed or size etc - we're just not usually that good at admitting it and saying sorry :o add to that the fact that if you do make a mistake in the car/lorry - how many times are you able to say sorry :confused:

I misjudged the speed of a wagon on a roundabout last week(when I was in a Renault Laguna) I successfully tested how sharp it could stop!
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anarchy-inc said:
Quite frankly, yes. But please note, I'm only talking about 2 lane motorways and A roads. On a 3+ lane road, they should just stay out of the "fast" or passing lane.

these LORRIES you refer to are 7.1/2 tonners driven on a car licence by car drivers with out any training :eek: :eek: :eek: after 7.1/2 tonne you can only use nearside middle ,unless you have to or are directed to ;)

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