Active Member
News item in the local paper about a home owner who found a stranger’s car parked for 5 days on his driveway and couldn’t do anything about it. Apparently that is a trespass not a crime so a civil matter and the police weren’t interested. The only legal way he could have got the car removed was by a court order which would have taken time and money. Blocking the driveway with his own car on the main road would have been illegal and moving the offending vehicle himself with jacks or a wheel trolley might have caused damage for which he would then have been liable. As would breaking a window to release brakes. The DVLA, whom he contacted asking for the driver’s name and address told him that they couldn’t release that information. Unbelievable! Why is it that parking firms, some of which are very disreputable, can get details from DVLA to pursue any drivers who they allege have overstayed their paid time, but Mr A Public, with a serious problem can’t?