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Is it Audio 10 or the Speakers?!!


MB Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2004
South Lincs / Hampshire
W210 E300TD
A friend of mine commented on the standard fit CD audio system in my C220, saying that the sound was distorted at anything above medium volume. It sounds fine to me, but he works in a recording studio so I trust his opinion. We tried compressed music (MP3) and regular shop puchased CDs plus some of his own test CDs from his studio.

Anyway, my question being, are the standard speakers fitted to the car likely to be any good? Can I just upgrade the head unit or maybe just the speakers, or best to do both? In which case, any suggestions of types etc.

I am curious. Thanks
Ive always beleived in "It doesn't matter how good your stereo is if you got cr*p speakers it will never sound good"
Sadly being factory fitted equipment I don't know how good the speakers are, or indeed how good the Audio 10 is. Like I say, sounds alright to me, albeit a bit distorted at very high volume or heavy bass.

I would like to upgrade but not necessarily sure MB dealers are best option to do so, plus I wouldn't know what equipment to have fitted at after-market traders.

So, any information would be useful.

Many thanks
It sounds fine to me, but he works in a recording studio so I trust his opinion.

I know what you mean Robert but if it sounds ok to you then perhaps thats the answer - who would you be upgrading for. My wife Sue still thinks stereo is just mono from different speakers :crazy: despite me demonstrating various tracks with clearly differnet sounds coming from each side :rolleyes:

Anyway, to upgrade could result in a sound you never believed possible. It would be useful to hear sound in other vehicles playing your favourite music perhaps- either that or just do it :)

I upgraded my W202 with Pioneer customised speakers and it was the tweeters that really made the sound come alive for me. But not Sue of course :rolleyes: she cant hear any difference he he !
I always thought the sound from my Audio 10 was OK - although I've changed the head unit for my DAB/MP3 unit I still thought the sound was OK - until I listened to some others at the gtg - now I deffo want mine changing :crazy: BUT it is a case of what do you want.

Some people are real sound "freaks" (mean that in the nicest possible way) and they can hear the most tiny detail in a system and they will hear "fault" in almost anything they consider to be inferior. Most of us don't - and are happy with a system that we can hear and that works.

But, maybe you should give yourself the chance to listen to some upgraded speakers to see just what difference it would make and let that judge of you should change yours or not.

Without a doubt though - it's no good having a state of the art head unit if the speakers can't match the output.

I'm looking at upgrading my door speakers, putting in an amp and getting a sub as I do not get enough depth and bass from my unit. That aside - the sound it produces is perfectly acceptable - it's purely a personal taste to want something more. :D (and a chance to spend hubby's money :p )
These are great replies, thanks. Better than from another forum I am member of.

Anyway, I have heard a kicking stereo set up in a friends Range Rover, but that sounded awesome. It wasn't anything radical, just Range Rover fitted equipment, but certainly top of the options list.

My (other) musical friend certainly has an ear for music; not sure his studio speakers would fit so well in the car :)

I may take him to local MB dealers and see what set up they have have in some demo cars and take it from there, unless anyone else has any ideas.

Cheers all the same. As mentioned above, it sounds fine to me (!!) but when someone says to me it's not quite ok, I tend to think "what if..?" and see what I can do about it!
robert.saunders said:
A friend of mine commented on the standard fit CD audio system in my C220, saying that the sound was distorted at anything above medium volume. It sounds fine to me, but he works in a recording studio so I trust his opinion. We tried compressed music (MP3) and regular shop puchased CDs plus some of his own test CDs from his studio.

Anyway, my question being, are the standard speakers fitted to the car likely to be any good? Can I just upgrade the head unit or maybe just the speakers, or best to do both? In which case, any suggestions of types etc.

I am curious. Thanks

One thing I have noticed with the Audio 10 is that the gain difference between CD and Radio is quite extreme compared to other stereos I've had in the past. That coupled with the fact that most modern CDs are normalized to near 0db, that could explain the distortion.
Interesting comment, thanks. My mate mentioned something vaguely similar - I was nodding off at that point :rolleyes: - and his studio CDs sounded better. If in a decent reception area, the radio does sound better.
robert.saunders said:
Interesting comment, thanks. My mate mentioned something vaguely similar - I was nodding off at that point :rolleyes: - and his studio CDs sounded better. If in a decent reception area, the radio does sound better.

Sorry to help make you fall asleep. ;) This really has never affected me because I listen to some VERY loud music indeed all of which is mastered that way. If I were to switch to classical :eek: then I might be able to hear any distortion, but when your music is based around distortion . . . . you get the picture.
I've got the stock Audio 10 head unit in my W208 and I have to agree that the sound is not great. :(
In my previous previous car, a Golf GTI, I changed the stock speakers for some Alpine ones which fitted perfectly and the difference in sound was amazing. Gave me a little more bass but the tweeters made all the difference, giving a clear sweet sound, even at high volume.

I am going to retrofit COMMAND in a couple of weeks and then change the stock speakers for Alpine speakers. I'll update this thread when the work is complete.

Thanks everyone for a fun and informative forum and I hope to meet you all at one of the GTGs next year. :)
Great responses cheers

BTW, anarchy-inc, you didn't send me to sleep, my over-excited mate did, when he waffled on about RMS and distortion and various rubbish I can't be bothered with, bless him :rolleyes:
most modern cds have distortion masterd in at the mixing stage so hardcore ifeefa trance volume 10 sound bassy though kevs systme with 6x9's but rubbish though anything else

and to be 100% honest mercedies in my opinion scrimpt on the audio

upgrade the headunit (something like a blaupunkt woodstock or the bremen aka the daddy (its called the daddy as youcan hook a pc into it to change the eq settings :D )) good 4ch amp running upgraded front components and a small 10inch subwoofer in the boot and you will ahve a very musical system

then you get "freaks" like me as pammy so elequenty put it that will redesign the door cards if needs be to angle the speakers perfectly
Speakers, definitely

robert.saunders said:
Sadly being factory fitted equipment I don't know how good the speakers are, or indeed how good the Audio 10 is. Like I say, sounds alright to me, albeit a bit distorted at very high volume or heavy bass.

I have had both MB Classic and Audio 10 CD stereos in my W140. Audio 10 is definitely better with higher sensitivity FM radio part.

The standard speakers ( 10 pcs including 4 * 6,5" subs ) in W140 are of excellent quality and they sound good without amplifier. Considering their original accessory price they better do.

You should invest to the decent speakers first and after evaluating the results consider an amp if necessary.

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