Yes. It was mine. Got shot of it after rod no7 punched a hole in engine block during a track day (it was my track car for a while) . The engine was a straight swap with one out of my mate Ali's smashed up Donner car, no I dont' mean
doner car but Donner car, Ali used his C63 to deliver for Jason who has a donner van.
The engine was the easy bit but the oil from the gaping hole sprayed over the brakes , I lost control and I stacked the beast into a tyre wall which REALLY bent the front end up.
Pavel and Kcasper of 'Rudyinszkisis - easy for you to say- panel art Ltd' (Grozny) cut the front off a right hand drive model they 'happened' to have in their lock up...come to think of it the boys have quite a few right hand drive AMG's in that lock up...and grafted it on in no time. Then it was back on the track...but alas I had to get rid as it was wearing out front tyres quicker than the rears and the bastard would not go in a straight line after the repair.
Enjoy ....I did