Been doing a ton of reading and searching and this site comes up quite a bit. Great info here. I've only joined sites that are useful and this is one of them for sure. Anyway, just purchase a 2003 CLK 320 W208 Cabrio. It has 94000 miles and is in great shape. Spent most its life in a garage for the Mrs. of a lawyer to drive on Sunday. Getting ready to do a bunch of service on it so I know where I stand. Valve cover gaskets, oil change, trans flush / filter change, rad hoses and fluid change, new thermostat, update the factory headlamps, new AMG fogs, new wheels and tires, new brake light switch, new throttle position sensor, new air and cabin filters, new spark plugs. Basically all the stuff I'd like to do so I know where the car stands from a service stand point. Any other suggestions on external parts that I should look at servicing? Any input would be great.
Was curious on what to do for the soft top, anything to apply to help it last?
I attached a pic, loving my new Sunday driver. Sure beats a 2008 Extended Cab 4x4 LTZ Silverado.
Was curious on what to do for the soft top, anything to apply to help it last?
I attached a pic, loving my new Sunday driver. Sure beats a 2008 Extended Cab 4x4 LTZ Silverado.