I've fitted mine now, though only the seats so far. Theres other paterns for doors etc, and a few 'odd bits' I dont no where they go. I must say, STUNNING and best quality I could have ever expected. Have absolutly no regrets buying them. I put avent gard covers and fit perfect. Though a word of warning.
I'm no seamstress and have never done upholstery but did re cover seats in an old ford 20yrs ago so had an idea what to expect.
Some tips for fitting.
Take each seat out to fit. MUST.
All plastic clips on to wires through sponge so be careful. Bugger to unclip. Use a screwdriver and gently tease each clip off.
Head rest guides VERY difficult to remove at first. Good torch. Look for spring clip inside hole and lever in, pull guide out.
Finish each seat and feel for holes for head rest guides. Then use a thin screwdriver to make sure ! Use instinct and judgment. DO NOT CUT HOLES WHERE MARKINGS ARE.
Dont rush, expect minimum a couple hours for each seat. (took me a week @ couple hours each day!)
Expect to make a mess and do indoors on old carpet somewhere quiet. Def' no kids or pets.
You will need tools like long nose pliers etc.
After doing one and see how its done you will develop a knack for clips, edging etc.
Look carefully how the originals are done.
Some bits seem impossible. Hardest for me was head rests and arm rest. Felt like trying to squeeze a basket ball inside a condom (least I was used to that !

I personally have never been so exhausted in my life after doing these. My hands and arms still ache now, but I'd say still worth it.