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Left lane hogger caught.

This comment from the article...
When pulled over by police, the motorist refused to accept that he had done anything wrong.
...plus some of the idiotic comments that indicate many other people don't think the driver in question had done anything wrong suggests that there is little hope that things will change :rolleyes:
Never mind being done for middle lane hogging, he should be done for not spotting the following patrol car on an empty motorway, for 3 miles!!
To be fair on the driver, nearly the entire length of the M20 is a 2 lane 50 average speed zone. It could drive you insane.
yes interesting in broad day light this driver kept in the middle lane with nothing on the inside lane for 3 miles,with a cop car behind,he would seem to have little sense,plus you wonder where you last saw a motorway free from traffic in the inside lane for 3 miles and all this happened on the M2O even stranger,so we have a lane hogger fined,one of very few that have been caught,because one persons lane hogger is another persons thinking driver having seen a car exiting the services or the truck has slowed on the inside lane and so it is better to stay in the middle lane,and many more possible reasons why the driver might stay in the middle lane,but when the police find a driver like this on the M20 then it is got you bang to rights laddie.
Never mind being done for middle lane hogging, he should be done for not spotting the following patrol car on an empty motorway, for 3 miles!!
A friend of mine used to drive an Area Car in the Met and on one occasion followed an idiot in the outside lane of a dual carriageway for at least a mile, while the lane to the left was empty. And he had the blues on :rolleyes:

Eventually he gave a short blast on the two-tones at which point the driver concerned finally looked in the mirror, sh@t themselves, and did their best to wipe out the car that was now to their left... The driver was most indignant when they were stuck on for Without Due Care.
Is it middle lane hogging if there are no vehicles being impeded?
By definition, as the Police were following and observing the miscreant, s/he was impeding another vehicle. And with observation skills so good that they were followed for 3 miles without realising, I'd say it's odds on that the offence of Careless Driving would be made out.

Oh, and just to add: If I drive at 80mph on a motorway but no-one witnesses it, does that mean I didn't commit an offence?
Is there a slight error in the thread title?
Is it middle lane hogging if there are no vehicles being impeded?

I live in the US, there are a good # of people that will jump of the entry ramp and right to the left lane to camp and refuse to move over for anybody. It's frustrating and dangerous. My hobby shop is 65 miles from my house and often, I would ride the inside lane and pass just about every car for 10-15 miles without ever moving to the 2,3 or 4th lane on the left.

That said, I don't see why it's a problem for someone to sit on the middle lane on an empty road. Cars merge from the right (in this country) which means that you're giving them a clear path to enter. If they're not an obstruction to other road users, what's the problem? Maybe the police need to find something better to do.
How unlucky!
Not many police cars on motorways, I regularly travel M40 M5 A30 and I cannot remember the last time that I saw one.
I am also sure that if I was driving on a 3 mile free motorway then I would have received a speeding ticket.
What's a police car?

When driving along a three-lane motorway, rule 264 of the Highway Code states:

“You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slow-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past.”
I live in the US, there are a good # of people that will jump of the entry ramp and right to the left lane to camp and refuse to move over for anybody. It's frustrating and dangerous. My hobby shop is 65 miles from my house and often, I would ride the inside lane and pass just about every car for 10-15 miles without ever moving to the 2,3 or 4th lane on the left.

That said, I don't see why it's a problem for someone to sit on the middle lane on an empty road. Cars merge from the right (in this country) which means that you're giving them a clear path to enter. If they're not an obstruction to other road users, what's the problem? Maybe the police need to find something better to do.

Its our rules ! Many of us in this country would find it strange that you can be fined for crossing a perfectly normal road if safe to do so just because a sign says so like in the US :)
I live in the US, there are a good # of people that will jump of the entry ramp and right to the left lane to camp and refuse to move over for anybody. It's frustrating and dangerous. My hobby shop is 65 miles from my house and often, I would ride the inside lane and pass just about every car for 10-15 miles without ever moving to the 2,3 or 4th lane on the left.

That said, I don't see why it's a problem for someone to sit on the middle lane on an empty road. Cars merge from the right (in this country) which means that you're giving them a clear path to enter. If they're not an obstruction to other road users, what's the problem? Maybe the police need to find something better to do.

Thanks for the concern but I wouldn’t worry too much about the Police in the Uk when all things considered they do a good job under difficult circumstances.
It’s unlikely that the Police will shoot out his tyres for disobeying the Highway Code in the UK whereas in the .......:eek:
When driving along a three-lane motorway, rule 264 of the Highway Code states:

“You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slow-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past.”

Note 'should' and not 'must' in that quote.

I'm wondering how this situation is framed in the actual underlying law.
Note 'should' and not 'must' in that quote.

I'm wondering how this situation is framed in the actual underlying law.

Legal aspects
Certain rules in The Highway Code are legal requirements, and are identified by the words 'must' or 'must not'. ... Although failure to comply with the other rules would not, in itself, cause a person to be prosecuted, the Highway Code may be used in court under the Road Traffic Act to establish liability.
Keep to the left,
it's much better for all and less frustrating for them's that want to overtake, and maybe have a trailer.

But last week we went darn sarf to London, the roads became busier and the driving more aggressive the more sarf we got.

We now have these inside lanes that used to be the hard shoulder, and others that are sometimes redesignated, the M1 specifically. When using them it can be a bitch to get back into what will be the inside lane as they filter down to nowt ahead. So much so it's reasonable to question using them for the couple or 3 miles they are available.

More of an issue was as I saw the drivers, invariably aggressive in style, entering the m'way from the left I would pull to lane 2 to let 'em in, as they would push in anyway. More often they are right up each others chuffs like everyone seems to be down there.
So I wait for a clear piece of inside lane to return to and on several occasions I'm glad I checked my n/s mirror to spot the racers approaching up my inside to pass me.
Trust me I don't hang about out there as at my 58mph it is more often that I belong in the inside lane.

It's no wonder the insurance costs are so much higher down there.
And that lot is before dealing with the London traffic where it feels like people will ram you to gain another inch of road ahead of you.
I tend to drive in the middle lane if it's clear and empty, and just move over when a car comes up behind me (so in this case I'd have moved over - I'm generally pretty observant).
Don't usually get many people coming up behind me at 130 though.
Speaking of the Highway Code did you know that...
If you break down by the side of the motorway and there's an animal in the car, you must leave the animal in the car.
Speaking of the Highway Code did you know that...
If you break down by the side of the motorway and there's an animal in the car, you must leave the animal in the car.
Wife won't be happy that I have to leave her in the car.
[hope she doesn't read this or I'm dead]

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