Hardcore MB Enthusiast
Research paid off then!....Today I finally decided to do my crankshaft oil seal, and therefore tackle the crank bolt. My first try worked a treat. I used my Milwaukee electric impact gun. Model M18 FHIWF 12 and after about 15 seconds, the bolt spun off. I didn't even need a holding tool for the harmonic balancer. So about 20 hours of research for 15 seconds of work!
In Chevyland there's a proper tool for that. I improvised and used the bolt to pull it on (after warming the balancer on a radiator indoors and it was winter and the crank's snout very cold) but it was pretty nerve wracking. If I'd damaged the thread in the crank I'd have been stuffed. Worth looking for a proper tool if one exists for your engine - or adapting one. They exist for small block Chevy motors - put '350 Vortec' in your Google search if you go looking. What you must not do is hammer the balancer on as the crank thrust bearings can be damaged.The harmonic balancer was very very tight on the crankshaft and I used a hydraulic puller to get it off. I am not sure how I will get it on. Maybe stick it in the oven for a while. Any thoughts?
Can you post some photos of the spacer and seal etc? (Save me trawling through the thread for same).The ring spacer slid along the crankshaft quite easily, but the last 25 mm was stiff and I used a light weight 2 leg puller to get it completely off.
I am also thinking about installation and how I get the crank oil seal over the crank spacer ring. I am thinking of first installing the oil seal and then sliding the ring on the crankshaft and into the oil seal. Again, any thoughts please.
Thank you all once again. What a fabulous support this forum is.