That switch is to lock all the doors when inside if required, and has no red led's unlike other 202's
You more than likely have the same or similar alarm/immobiliser system as mine being a Scorpion fitted by either the importers or dealer when new.
There is a separate handbook for the alarm which tells you the procedure to turn off the interior motion sensors, too turn off motion sensors, remove ignition key, open drivers door, press the central locking dash switch in the unlock position and hold it till the red light in the rear view mirror lights up, then exit the car and arm system as normal.
To turn off the tow away sensor as well, after you have pressed the switch till the red light comes on press the switch again till the green light in the mirror lights up.
To turn off the towing sensor whilst leaving the interior motion sensors on, follow the procedures above and then press the switch for a third time till the red light lights up again.
This procedure "only" applies to prefacelift 202's with the red & green lights in the rear view mirror, though saying that some still had a dedicated switch for turning of the two alarm sensors, this procedure also may apply to 124's, 210's, 129's, the same alarm system was also fitted to the SLK 170 but you could,nt manually switch off the motion sensors as they would switch off automatically upon opening the roof, as a consequence of this and possibly others which i,m not familiar with it did,nt have the red & green lights in the rear view mirror.
Hope this has helped.