Are you using the accessory part numbers (B6*) or the factory parts (A*) as sometimes caps are available with either and the price difference can be huge.
I find all parts prices fluctuate from time to time particularly from dealer to dealer as well. Mercedes have hub and satellite branches. If you buy parts from the hub dealer they should as a rule be cheaper due to buying power, stock levels, time spent on the shelf etc etc.
Obviously there is the currency exchange to consider too.
Are you using the accessory part numbers (B6*) or the factory parts (A*) as sometimes caps are available with either and the price difference can be huge.
I use the old A numbers but then get told these are superceeded by B numbers with a price increase. I tried 3 dealers - all said the same thing.
Inchcape will let you order the parts using the old numbers and prices online but then they tell you the part is no longer available and the price has gone up .