Not just cost of products - and I've spent a few bob since I read how to do it properly - it's the time and elbow grease putting right what you've done wrong before.
As I have a 40w 12v polisher and did not want to spend money on a new random orbital machine (£80-160 plus pads etc!) I spent best part of 2 weeks getting my Porsche ready for a "show and shine" yesterday - did 1 panel at a time (over 2 hours just for one wing) and could not believe the difference it made. Even so, I did not even get a place in the 1990-99 class of Kent Region, came about 5th, so still have a lot to learn and do, and this was not a full blown concourse!
However, SWMBO and I both know that the car now looks really beautiful compared to before I started, and I've had a lot of compliments about her. I've also done a mini-version of the cleanup on the C270 today, and that looks a heck of a lot better as a result.
There's lots to read and learn in the concourse section of this and other forums, plus the 2 specialist ones mentioned above. You can then decide how serious you want to get - but as a minimum get wash mitts and microfibre cloths (if you know anyone with a Costco or Macro card, they're cheap there), a Bilt Hamber regular clay bar, some decent paint restorer (eg Autoglym bodyshop or Swissvax) and some decent wax - first time of asking is hard work and time consuming, but it's worthwhile - and second time is a lot easier!
Happy detailing - post some before and after pics to show us how you get on!