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"Mercedes-Benz Accident Management Service"


Active Member
Apr 29, 2010
450SL XK8
Has anyone got recent experience of using this service? Someone ran into the rear of my 450SL today while I was stationary.

Unbelievable, cars only been back on the road for eight weeks after a three year restoration.
I can only imagine your disappointment at this unfortunate turn of events. I would assume this service would be contracted out to one of the many accident management companies out there albeit one that has been vetted by MB? I always smile when they insist the car will be repaired at an MB "approved" body repair shop because that may give the wrong impression that the repair is performed by MB themselves rather than contracted out. I imagine repairing a 450SL is far from routine so tread carefully! I have no experience of this service personally sorry.
I would assume this service would be contracted out to one of the many accident management companies out there albeit one that has been vetted by MB? I always smile when they insist the car will be repaired at an MB "approved" body repair shop because that may give the wrong impression that the repair is performed by MB themselves rather than contracted out.

I'd go with Graeme's take on this.

Around 8 years ago, I went to a M-B dealership for body repairs with a 210 and was directed to an approved repairer that I still use to this day.
They are (if a little pricey) fantastic.

That said, the same 210 had two new front wings under M-B corrosion warranty and I was disappointed with the work, because the wings didn't match the rest of the paintwork. Not a huge difference, but it was evident. No blending because M-B were footing the bill.
The main benefit to you is that the accident management firm deals with both the insurer and repairer on your behalf at no cost to you. But it's an admin matter. If you are happy to deal with the other party insurer yourself, and with the appointment a repairer (MB approved or otherwise), then this will work just as well. What I would also advise is that you deal directly with the other party insurer, i.e. only notify your own insurer of the incident (as you are obliged to do) but do not make a claim against your own policy.

PS - Can you not let the people who restored the car deal also with this repair?
Has anyone got recent experience of using this service? Someone ran into the rear of my 450SL today while I was stationary.

Unbelievable, cars only been back on the road for eight weeks after a three year restoration.
I really would hesitate using this type of service. These AM services have their own agenda which often conflicts with you as a client. In your circumstances the third party Insurer has no grounds for disputing using the restorer who has just finished your car( unless they transparently try to take the p***). For the sake of getting a price and doing one letter to the TP Insurer, it avoids so many people getting involved. That way you are in charge all the way.
I didn't use a restoration company, I did the entire restoration myself so need an alternative solution.

The damage is limited to the rear bumper and a couple of minor scratches in the paint work on the body behind it.

This is the car.



This is the damage.

Bumper bowed in and lower valance bent out.


You can see the structure below that made the valance bow out.


As for the chrome part and the steel reinforcements beneath, you can see they are now concave whereas they were originally convex. Red arrows point to the two bends.

Great looking car there - I would be peed off too. You did a great job. I'm not sure that a modern bodyshop used by AM companies is the best place to take the car. If you want to repair yourself there's no reason you can't, and agree a price with the TP insurer. Alternatively someone on here might be able to suggest a repairer in your area who is capable of dealing correctly with your SL. If it was mine I wouldn't let it go to just anyone that's for sure.

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