Hi there new to the forum so thanks in advance.
First of its a merc ml270 cdi
Car was running fine with no issues other then a chuffing injector. I then replaced all injector seals after cleaning off all the carbon.
Injectors reinstalled little bit of sniff and engine fires up. test drove and now i have Smoke on idle and underload on boost. Smoke is white/grey and black when reved out starionary, altho this may just be soot kicked out of the exhaust. Also maby a very slight misfire. Engine power is all there.
So far ive cleaned egr valve and made sure it is closing corectly. Drove with vaccume pipe off. still the same.
Tryed a known good mass air flow.
Looked at all boost hoeses etc no leakes or splits.
Removed down pipe and ran to see if the cat was blocked
New fuel filter along with the filter bowl full of injector cleaner.
Spill tested injectors and they all spill well so not loads and all even.
New airfilter and engine oil. (Due Service anyway)
Removed all injectors and spun upside down reconected injector pipes and electrical conectors and had a friend turn the engine over so i could see the spray patters and make sure i diddnt have a dribling injector. All seem fine and look the same. ( Also il add this is not a clever idea the injectors are extreamly dangerous as they run silly presures and i would advise not to follow me on this one.)
Also cheaked the swirl flaps on the maifold there is no oil around the manifold and no boost leakes or noise.
Code read after drive and the only codes i get are glow plugs. So im ignoring as i cant see them causing this problem.
Logically it would be that some dirt has got in to the injector but surly i would get a prominent misfire? Or diesel knock? Engine sounds fine btw no harshness attal
Im realy pulling my hair out over this.
Any help would be greatly apreaceated
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
First of its a merc ml270 cdi
Car was running fine with no issues other then a chuffing injector. I then replaced all injector seals after cleaning off all the carbon.
Injectors reinstalled little bit of sniff and engine fires up. test drove and now i have Smoke on idle and underload on boost. Smoke is white/grey and black when reved out starionary, altho this may just be soot kicked out of the exhaust. Also maby a very slight misfire. Engine power is all there.
So far ive cleaned egr valve and made sure it is closing corectly. Drove with vaccume pipe off. still the same.
Tryed a known good mass air flow.
Looked at all boost hoeses etc no leakes or splits.
Removed down pipe and ran to see if the cat was blocked
New fuel filter along with the filter bowl full of injector cleaner.
Spill tested injectors and they all spill well so not loads and all even.
New airfilter and engine oil. (Due Service anyway)
Removed all injectors and spun upside down reconected injector pipes and electrical conectors and had a friend turn the engine over so i could see the spray patters and make sure i diddnt have a dribling injector. All seem fine and look the same. ( Also il add this is not a clever idea the injectors are extreamly dangerous as they run silly presures and i would advise not to follow me on this one.)
Also cheaked the swirl flaps on the maifold there is no oil around the manifold and no boost leakes or noise.
Code read after drive and the only codes i get are glow plugs. So im ignoring as i cant see them causing this problem.
Logically it would be that some dirt has got in to the injector but surly i would get a prominent misfire? Or diesel knock? Engine sounds fine btw no harshness attal
Im realy pulling my hair out over this.
Any help would be greatly apreaceated
Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk