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Moral dilemma??


MB Enthusiast
Jan 16, 2003
NE Cumbria
MY11 E350 CDi Avantgarde
I signed up with a new ISP in December, connection was initiated on Dec 22. The ISP provided, at my request, an ADSL modem as a cost option. I have yet to be charged for it or for my monthly connection.

I 'phoned them about this in early January just to say that I had received no request for payment for either the modem or my connection. I was told that the accounts department were backlogged due to a combination of high demand for connections and the festive period.

Currently I am getting a 1Mb adsl connection for nothing :bannana: but feel somewhat guilty as I know I should be paying for it! :o

Should I contact them again or sit and wait to see if they ever sort it out?
just put the money aside and wait. You've already told them once - I'd leave it to them now.

I have a friend who ended up with two iPods for the price of one - and waited a while with money on hand just on case ;) :p seems Apple were just feeling generous that day :D
i had a friend who when they bought their house got the gas changed over - long story involving wrong addresses and previous owners and house name changes etc etc - argued with transco / british gas / etc - noone wanted to take any money for the gas.

for 4 years so far :eek:

<homer> hmmm toasty warm </h>
Tiscali didn't take our direct debit for 10 months after we signed up for our broadband despite us phoning ands asking why - when their system finally discobvered us we were only asked to pay for the last month as it was their error.

You've done your bit now it's up to them

Must admit that a company I am a partner of (not PoundHost), have about 50 DSL connections that were activated october last year and no invoices have yet gone out to these customers. I expect the invoices to be sent out shortly, however I suspect some of those 50 may haggle about paying!
I also have a friend who didn't tell the electricity company that their meter reading was waaaaaaaaay higher than the estimated bills they were recieving ....... he was also 'toasty warm' until a bill for just over a grand dropped through the letterbox one day.......

He managed to haggle it down to £500 and is currently paying it off in installments.
So Andy K
You are the person you got the benefit of the money Tiscali took off me illegally. Should I send you an invoice ?!!! I found Tiscali a terrible crowd and changed ISP to a much better and cheaper one.
l5foye said:
So Andy K
You are the person you got the benefit of the money Tiscali took off me illegally. Should I send you an invoice ?!!! I found Tiscali a terrible crowd and changed ISP to a much better and cheaper one.

you can send me an invoice if you like :)

I've got to agree, Tiscali are hopeless at helping themselves to money. we cancelled the credit card payments and now they send us a quartely bill which we pay by cheque.

guydewdney said:
i had a friend who when they bought their house got the gas changed over - long story involving wrong addresses and previous owners and house name changes etc etc - argued with transco / british gas / etc - noone wanted to take any money for the gas.

for 4 years so far :eek:

<homer> hmmm toasty warm </h>
I know someone in a similar situation, they moved into a new house which never had Gas they had Gas installed and Central Heating installed by British Gas -over £3000, there was a few problems etc and they've never had a a Gas bill or any Bill for the central heating,that must be well over 5 years. They went to the Citizens Advice and apparently was told they can only back date it 3 months, i don't know how true that is though :crazy:
my mum had a bill from the leccy company - they hadnt bothered to send out a man to read the meter for 3 years - she got a bill for somthing like 1700 quid - she haggled it to somthing like 300 quid...

she had been paying in the meantime - just nowhere near enough....
Aletank said:
I know someone in a similar situation, they moved into a new house which never had Gas they had Gas installed and Central Heating installed by British Gas -over £3000, there was a few problems etc and they've never had a a Gas bill or any Bill for the central heating,that must be well over 5 years. They went to the Citizens Advice and apparently was told they can only back date it 3 months, i don't know how true that is though :crazy:

Hmm, I had a bill from British Gas two years late for an alarm system I had fitted and they said I had to pay it, they did at least knock a fair chunk off.
guydewdney said:
my mum had a bill from the leccy company - they hadnt bothered to send out a man to read the meter for 3 years - she got a bill for somthing like 1700 quid - she haggled it to somthing like 300 quid...

she had been paying in the meantime - just nowhere near enough....
We had a similar thing, the power company just said they would make a small adjustment to the bill to take the difference into account.

Due to the repayment on top of the normal bill we get phonecalls all day from companies that claim to be able to reduce the bill by a fortune, which is untrue of course. Ask them if they will pay the difference to the other power company and they go quiet!

My grandmother didn't get a bill for a year or two and she saved the money up so when they finally worked it out it wasn't a huge shock, I think they also made it a repayment-type bill so really it was quite fair.
guydewdney said:
i had a friend who when they bought their house got the gas changed over - long story involving wrong addresses and previous owners and house name changes etc etc - argued with transco / british gas / etc - noone wanted to take any money for the gas.

for 4 years so far :eek:

<homer> hmmm toasty warm </h>

This happened to us in our last house, which was one of 2 houses that had been newly built. For 3 yrs, every company we contacted stated point blank that they were not supplying us with gas and no-one would take any money.

Our old neighbour has been there nearly 5 yrs now and has still not paid a penny in gas bills :eek:
Bringing back an old(ish) thread, the ADSL bills that were late in being sent out got delivered to the customers today, and we have had one chap phone up complaining that his PC hasn't worked for over two months, thus he has not been able to use his ADSL connection and wants to cancel it from two months ago.

He never thought to phone up and cancel it two months ago then???!!
Just though and had a quick check on the system, he has connected and used it every day up until the 5th of this month!!!

Good excuse....

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