MB Enthusiast
I have spent the last couple of weeks on this forum reading of members:
- innocently getting crashed into then attacked with a crowbar by the perpetrator;
- having their cars smashed/slashed/bashed and in the course of defending their property have been attacked to the point of attempted murder by the assailant;
- intervening in the defence of others who are being physically attacked and being accused themselves of some wrong-doing;
- on all occasions the police response has been either to do nothing and effectively shrug their shoulders "no witnesses so we can't do nuffink guvnor", or arresting the victims of the crime on merely the word of the criminal;
- on a lesser scale (but very irritating), PCNs issued in totally unreasonable circumstances.
Having, in the past few months, had my house broken into and car stolen, and experienced first-hand just how useless our police have become, I am now thoroughly depressed.
I have also had to shell out for unreasonable PCNs because I cant be bothered to fight the b*st*rds.
Can the increase in miserable stories recounted on this forum be coincidence, or is it further evidence that this country is going down the toilet at an ever-increasing rate??
- innocently getting crashed into then attacked with a crowbar by the perpetrator;
- having their cars smashed/slashed/bashed and in the course of defending their property have been attacked to the point of attempted murder by the assailant;
- intervening in the defence of others who are being physically attacked and being accused themselves of some wrong-doing;
- on all occasions the police response has been either to do nothing and effectively shrug their shoulders "no witnesses so we can't do nuffink guvnor", or arresting the victims of the crime on merely the word of the criminal;
- on a lesser scale (but very irritating), PCNs issued in totally unreasonable circumstances.
Having, in the past few months, had my house broken into and car stolen, and experienced first-hand just how useless our police have become, I am now thoroughly depressed.
I have also had to shell out for unreasonable PCNs because I cant be bothered to fight the b*st*rds.
Can the increase in miserable stories recounted on this forum be coincidence, or is it further evidence that this country is going down the toilet at an ever-increasing rate??