Dryce said:
It might be more pragmatic to say that any HGV travelling over a certain speed (eg. 50) is not allowed to overtake on designated
sections of roads. This would also be augmented with a separation
rule to ensure they don't bunch.
I am not picking up this point, but rather using it to highlight the point i made earlier. Nor am I ,in particular, directing any of my comments at this posters points or being critical of them in general.
Often, whilst at the helm, cars force there way into the inside lane to get to a slip road and off the motorway quite late. Now if this is done at a speed that is safe and at a speed that is faster than the HGV, and given consideration to other road users, no problem, altho some people do call it being cut up. But what often happens with impatient people, and those who dont have enough road craft to read the road far enough ahead, or anticipate the junction coming up, not that you get at least 1 miles warning, is these people drive fast past the HGV then sling the car into the inside lane, and for some reason need to slow down whilst still in it, to a speed slower than the HGV. this causes untold problems.
firstly, the HGV may not have the space with in which to pull safely into the middle lane, therefore it has to brake to increase the distance between it and the car which has now taken up the road blocking manoever. This then backs the traffic up behind it, as it cannot accelerate at car speed, back up to a resonable speed. Trucks folowing will pull into the middle lane to pass this accelerating truck so they dont have to slow down. This in turn means that cars have to wait behinds until they get get chance to pass the HGV's who are doing there best to maintain momentum. By the time the car gets past he doesnt see what cuased the intial momemtary lack of pace from the HGV and resultant lenght of time to get back up to speed.
Namely the impaitience of the car driver way back at the junction. who had to get past the truck at all costs no matter what!
My veiw about everyone driving or being passengered in a HGV will highlight these things for the car driver who hasnt had this experieince. this will adjust your thoughts on why trucks have to pass, and why they slow down. In the main you must remember that a truck driver will be doing his best to keep going and hold up people as little as possible. Same applies when Mrs "Far too old" slows down while joining a motorway instead of using the slip road to accelerate to at least the speed at the traffic immediatly to her right! thus joining at the same speed. No car on earth is unable to do at least 1mph more than any truck. so quite how people moan about trucks being right up there bot making any sense to me is a mystery. just drive 1mph faster than it can go and in 3 miles you will wonder where it is. and nobody had to slow down.
For those who know what I am meaning, the same applies when Bikers say everyone should learn to ride a bike. that way, when you overtake a bike in the wet, you give them full consdieration rather than driving close to them and spraying them.
I do believe you are meant to drive with due care and consideration for other road users. HGV's are other road users and it would be grossly unfair to invent a rule that is just aimed at controlling one group of road users for the benefit of others. Coaches can be limited to 56mph and cause just the same problems.
but all this can be reduced massively by one of 2 ways.
Either people stop getting impaitient and remember exactly what a HGV driver is trying to do,
introduce a mandatory 50mph speed limit for everyone!
Until the day when everybody is installed with a microchip that gives you all this knowledge and skill from day one of driving that is! While we await that we need to take on board experinces from those who know and react to it, as opposed to heave everyone into doing something for the benefit of the few.
Font's of all Knowledge may ignore this post and carying oblivious!