I'm replacing the front brake pads tomorrow, all by myself 
Printed WIS pages, watched YouTube video(s), borrowed a piston pushing tool - I think I'm ready!
However a question remains: which lubricant(s) do I use for:
Also, WIS says do not grease metal clips, but a number of online sources insist you must.
Whom to believe, that is the question
The choice I have is somewhat limited though:
I presume I start from the left and go 1,2,3?

Printed WIS pages, watched YouTube video(s), borrowed a piston pushing tool - I think I'm ready!
However a question remains: which lubricant(s) do I use for:
1. Areas, marked on WIS page AR42.10-P-0161-01B for "Never Seeze Gray" (sic) paste for single piston floating TRW caliper - picture P42.-10-2737-04.
2. Back of pads, where it comes to contact with caliper / piston
3. Pins
2. Back of pads, where it comes to contact with caliper / piston
3. Pins
Also, WIS says do not grease metal clips, but a number of online sources insist you must.
Whom to believe, that is the question

The choice I have is somewhat limited though:

I presume I start from the left and go 1,2,3?