Hi all, just joined after having picked up a 2013 C Class Coupe yesterday so thought I'd say hi and ask a few questions!
So, in no particular order:
1) The temperate gauge: once up to temperate it seems to sit above the middle of the gauge, 80 degrees being middle, and mine goes to 85 and sometimes 90, seems to fluctuate between the 2. Is this normal? I've come from an Audi A3, where the needle would sit slap bang in the middle of the gauge (90 degrees) and never budge!
2)Idle: very very slightly bouncy RPMs at idle, engine seems fine and doesn't appear to be any 'misfires', the needle will move around 1mm or so, very small but enough for it to be observable. Doesn't matter if the engine is hot or cold, always does it when idling. Again is this normal?
3)Sometimes a graphic will display on the dash indicating the rear passengers don't have their seat belts on, I'd ask them to put it on, but the thing is, there aren't any there! Would this be a sensor issue?
4) Sometimes when putting the car into reverse, I'll hear some kind of motor running, kind of like the sound of the window being opened/closed. What is this?!
5) Finally, how does the 250CDI respond to a remap? Is the 250 the same as the 220 but with a slightly different remap done already - therefore not giving much room for improvement?
Thanks all, sorry for the all the questions, I'm new to MB, I've never had one and been sat in an Audi for the last 6 years!
So, in no particular order:
1) The temperate gauge: once up to temperate it seems to sit above the middle of the gauge, 80 degrees being middle, and mine goes to 85 and sometimes 90, seems to fluctuate between the 2. Is this normal? I've come from an Audi A3, where the needle would sit slap bang in the middle of the gauge (90 degrees) and never budge!
2)Idle: very very slightly bouncy RPMs at idle, engine seems fine and doesn't appear to be any 'misfires', the needle will move around 1mm or so, very small but enough for it to be observable. Doesn't matter if the engine is hot or cold, always does it when idling. Again is this normal?
3)Sometimes a graphic will display on the dash indicating the rear passengers don't have their seat belts on, I'd ask them to put it on, but the thing is, there aren't any there! Would this be a sensor issue?
4) Sometimes when putting the car into reverse, I'll hear some kind of motor running, kind of like the sound of the window being opened/closed. What is this?!
5) Finally, how does the 250CDI respond to a remap? Is the 250 the same as the 220 but with a slightly different remap done already - therefore not giving much room for improvement?
Thanks all, sorry for the all the questions, I'm new to MB, I've never had one and been sat in an Audi for the last 6 years!