Tim Shaw can be frustrating, and there now seems to be the element of added drama with the "will we, won't we?" regarding the finishing the car on time, but I still like the light entertainment aspect of it and it's still not too Americanised.
Loved Cars that Rock, Brian Johnson still comes across as an over enthusiastic child, and good to see that he's added yet another car to his collection with that Project 7 Jag.
So go on then ... I'll say it out louder than just saying it to Mrs Kenny. Top Gear may be looking for a third (or is it 'first') presenter .... does Brian Johnson fit the bill, or is it just me that thinks that way ..... ?? The only issue I can think of is his commute to work .....
So go on then ... I'll say it out louder than just saying it to Mrs Kenny. Top Gear may be looking for a third (or is it 'first') presenter .... does Brian Johnson fit the bill, or is it just me that thinks that way ..... ?? The only issue I can think of is his commute to work .....