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new slk 350


Oct 2, 2004
2 Vito V6 Sports & 1 Vito V6 Sport X
hi every one, just wondering if any of you owning the new 350 are happy with the car.im due to get mine around 2nd/3rd week in nov 04. its just killing me now waiting,every day seems like a week. :rock:
I bet it seems an age away - tell us what spec you've ordered then - Portzy will be very interested and in your impressions when you get it - his is due next year :bannana:
slk 350 spec is-
iridium silver,dusky red leather with aluminium trim,7g auto,parktronic,remote control key fob for roof,audio 50 aps navigation,airscarf,heated seats,chrome folding exterior mirrors,chrome highlights for radiator grille,(i think thats about it.) merc dealer in solihill (BIRMINGHAM) had one in the other day so it was great to have a good look around it,first impression was fantastic,it looks miles better in the flesh so to speak than it appears in the car mags etc.inside was good but on that car it was black leather & it seem really dark inside for me thats why i went for red leather.one thing which i did notice which seemed a little naff was the paint merc has used on some of the switch gear ,like -window controls & seat adjustment & memory controls.but having said that the rest or the equipment seemed really very good.
anyone know how many are due in to the uk each year ? :D
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pammy said:
I bet it seems an age away - tell us what spec you've ordered then - Portzy will be very interested and in your impressions when you get it - his is due next year :bannana:

All these lucky, lucky, people with new SLK 350s' on or about to be on their drives :( . Never mind, when mine arrives it might be a face lift model ;) . Seriously, where did you find the chrome bits in the options list?, I have one dated October 1st and theres no reference to anything like that. Got agree with you about the switches but I think that 1st impression will fade when youve had it a day or two. Did you see the write up todays Express?, it was the 200 and it got a bit stick for being 'underpowered' good job you, Gary, and me opted for the 350 :D .

Come back and let us know when you get it and how its fairing when youve had some time with it. Welcome to the forum by the way.

thanks for all your replys,the chrome bits are in the merc-benz accessories book.cost for exterior chrome mirrors £145 & £82 for grille highlights. cheers all. after owning tvr"s & audi tt i must say i think the 350 gives you the best of both worlds.:D
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mobbster, I have had my 350 (iridium/black) since 31 Jul, apart from loving the car I have 2 points, first the car is very quick off the mark, too quick for me so I drive everywhere in comfort mode on the 7G auto, slows things down a little, second is the petrol consumption, if you want to race it look out for figures like 12 MPG, take it easy and mid to high 20s, more on long motorway trips keeping to the speeeeeeeed limit.

I find the car better looking everyday so I hope you will enjoy yours when it arrives, you will like the iridium its by far the best colour for the car although I have not seen all the colours live so to speak, but silver is mercedes.

Portzy look at your messages.

Thanks for info on fuel consumption gary.(which fuel do you use ? superplus or shell optimax etc.) Do you find the g7 auto box to be a good improvement ? And do you use the steering wheel gear change much or is that a thing you play with once and a while ? (bit of a toy that you get bored with after a time).Also do you think the performance of 0-60 in 5.5 is true ? I know after reading many car mags, more so with amg mercs they never quite get the perfomace figures that are stated.Thanks all for your imput. :D
mobbster, fuel I use is just plain unleaded (never really look at the grade). The 7G auto is great better than the old 5 speed on my slk230k, rips through the gears. I have never used the paddles I bought an auto and auto it stays. The speed is awesome the figures given are more than likely true if not faster she is a bullet, a smooth bullet. If you know the new merc instrumentation then you will know about the details that you can bring up on the small screens between the 2 pods, this gives (amongest other things) your fuel consumption, I try not to cry at the figure which I try to hide from the wife. Have fun with the handbook. Did you get the lux climate control or as they call it thermotronic intelligent air conditioning thats good, looks good as well.

Thanks for your time replying gary. just had normal climate,only had less than 4 days to speck the car ! Paid £600 extra to get build slot,never even really looked at the new slk,i had been looking at boxsters,but was not really sure as the new model is coming out soon,my friend supplys me with commercial vehicles(vans and the like)and was searching on his computer and saw one of his suppliers had a build slot for this merc slk 350 it had already had some extras on it like 7 auto box.he just said how much deposit and how much per month and i said yes (deal done ! ! ).i had no idear what extras i could get, so went on merc web site to find out some info.the cars for my girlfriend really ,sort of a wedding present we get married on 27 nov and should get the slk the week before if all goes to plan,then after im married i would like to spend 7 days driving down to barcelona,(if the boots big enough for our clothes.) and put some miles on it.thanks for all your time folks,any more info on slk 350 would be most welcome. :D
Ah the boot mobbster is another problem its not too bad but not as good as the R170, the main problem is fitting a suitcase in it all depends on the size of your suitcase mind your can always use tescos carrier bags. The run to Spain will be great in the r171 its built for long cruises.

hi gary been away all week buddy or would have replyed sooner ,you say boots quite small on slk,just wondering if you have seen the holdall/bag that merc do to fit in the boot ? it looks quite good in the merc booklet !!! have been told by dealer car will be ready for me to collect on or around 10 dec,and i thought it would be ready for around 25 nov so means waiting a little longer !!!!!!! :mad: but im sure it will be well worth the wait. cheers all :D

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