Active Member
Hi forum,
I’ve been planning to have my callipers painted and am close to booking them in. I have an A207 and my colleague has a similar one but all black. He had his callipers painted red and wheels gloss black by a firm that claim to do a ‘proper’ job by removing them fully, stripping down etc etc. I had a nose today and noticed red paint had rubbed off onto the discs! This was not present when he first got it back about a month ago. Obs I want to avoid the same happening to me so wondered what peoples thoughts are on it.
- is it because they painted them completely including the inside?
- is it just normal and will soon rub off?
- is it better practice to avoid painting the inside?
- could it be bad news for him/his braking system and he should complain right away?
I’ve never had callipers coloured before, so any advice/experiences much appreciated.
I’ve been planning to have my callipers painted and am close to booking them in. I have an A207 and my colleague has a similar one but all black. He had his callipers painted red and wheels gloss black by a firm that claim to do a ‘proper’ job by removing them fully, stripping down etc etc. I had a nose today and noticed red paint had rubbed off onto the discs! This was not present when he first got it back about a month ago. Obs I want to avoid the same happening to me so wondered what peoples thoughts are on it.
- is it because they painted them completely including the inside?
- is it just normal and will soon rub off?
- is it better practice to avoid painting the inside?
- could it be bad news for him/his braking system and he should complain right away?
I’ve never had callipers coloured before, so any advice/experiences much appreciated.