Hello Sir,
How I feel for you! I know just how it is.!
Back in 2009 I myself had an experience with THE INSURER, when I lost my beloved Megane Sport to Mr Frosty ( ice to us all). Yes it can be repaired but will cost more than the 60% of the cars value and so we're going to keep it, fcuk you, heres some money get yourself another one.
Listen, its the same story all round. I've been though the headache, heartache, upset and torment this brings. Its the insurers that should pay us for all the torture we go though. In reality their doing us a GREAT BIG FAVOUR.
WHAAAAATTT???? Yep, I heard you. And you heard me.
We become very emotionally attached to our cars, and sometimes don't even realise it.We cannot see beyond the pail. There has been a lot of good opinions you have read in your replies, and you may have seen that most folk say 'TAKE THE MONEY'. DO! Because there ARE PLENTY of Benz out there as a replacement. This is a great time of the year to buy, as traders want rid of what is now to them old stock. Lots of room for negotiation, even on what seems an already good bargain.
It's now time to take five minutes and gather your thoughts and think lateral. Forget about the loss you are suffering, and think forward. I know you wanted to keep yours a long time, so get another and keep that a long time. Go to a car checking web site, or even the AA's car check web site, pay them a small sum, and have your potential next car checked. Find an independent mechanic or AA mechanic to be with you when when you decide to buy the car.
I searched high and low for a replacement for my Megane, and it was a complete pain, till I found this BENZ crying out to me. So I told THE INSURERS to fcuk off, took the money, and Benz and me are very happy. I will never buy anything other than Benz now. You too will be happy.
I wish you good luck and good fortune.