Active Member
I thought you migh enjoy a laugh at my expense and someone might even have an answer to my woes
When I got my car It had a Nokia Cark 91 kit in it. "How Ironic" I tought, given that I had just given away my old 6310i when I went freelance and moved from orange to 3
Anyhow I thought I will go and find one on ebay should be dirt cheap .... 5 minutes later! stuff that I am not paying at least a £100 for one of those
Anyhow a bit of searching round and I found a product from a company called "LinTech" that plugs into the CARK 91 and provides a bluetooth adapter :bannana: cool I thought so I have bought one. Plugged it in and nothing... long story short got a new one and pluged it in ..... yep nothing
more rooting round the inside of the car to find that the sodding car kit was not plugged in to the power OH "£$(&£(*("&%^$(*&^*(&"£Q^ anyhow I have plugged it in and indeed have power to the BT unit but the blue wire does not seem to be connected to the ignition so it will stay on until it runs my battery down
<more swear words here> I really don't want to have to go and faf around with the ingition wiring
better yet the adapter does not work with a motorolla phone
so now I am back to square one. any thoughts ???
I thought you migh enjoy a laugh at my expense and someone might even have an answer to my woes

When I got my car It had a Nokia Cark 91 kit in it. "How Ironic" I tought, given that I had just given away my old 6310i when I went freelance and moved from orange to 3

better yet the adapter does not work with a motorolla phone

so now I am back to square one. any thoughts ???