More pertinently still, why didn’t PMP explain to his daughter that Trump’s wall was only a figment of his deluded imagination and go on to explain to her the ideological divide in Berlin that was intended to divide the people even more than Brexit and the House of Commons?
More pertinently still, why didn’t PMP explain to his daughter that Trump’s wall was only a figment of his deluded imagination and go on to explain to her the ideological divide in Berlin that was intended to divide the people even more than Brexit and the House of Commons?
Both my children, 8 and 12 have Another brick in the wall on their Spotify playlists, the no education sentiment is still relevant after 40 years
Although my 8 year olds favourite Floyd song is "If". "If I go insane please don't put your wires in my brain" Future Prime Minister there (or serial killer !!!! ).