I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often, to be honest, seeing the number of numpties who insist on driving with misted up inner windows or frozen outer with maybe, maybe a letterbox sized cleared patch.
I was present when a grade A, first class tw4t of a builder in a Transit decided to drive with a misted and frozen screen last year. End result, schoolboy in hospital with serious head injuries and said to55er arrested and looking at a term at HM pleasure.
The insolent, lying git had the audacity to try and say his screen was completely clear at the time of the collision and had only frozen up in the time he was stationary because his side window was open……the one he was using to stick his head out of to see ahead whilst driving but had had to duck back inside immediately prior to the event because it was too cold. Pr1ck.
Of course, it was the boy's fault for not quite reaching the other side of the road where the school bus was waiting. Not.