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P2502 Trans Slipping


New Member
May 28, 2011

I have C200 Compressor Elegance Model 2004

My gear box shows Error "P2502 Trans Slipping", What is the mean of this error?
And how I can solve this error? and the cost for it please.

And Please could you answer me how the error is caused.
I have changed the filter and fluid for the gear recently.

To make everything clear for you; I have change the Water Radiator for my car because of the water having gear fluid in it. (There was no problem here with my gear transmission, it works 100%)
Then after changing the Radiator, I have discovered fluid leaking because the mechanic didn't connect the fluid tube correctly, I have drove the car in this situation for less than a one mile.

Finally I have change the Radiator again and refilling the fluid and change the filter.

Finally, The leaking is off, but the gear transmission is so bad, and computer gives me the following error
"P2502 Trans Slipping"

Please advice guys, I am about to pull my hair. !!!:confused:
hello people... are u alive...

I wish I can rid of this rubbish

Really Shame on you Mercedes...!!!
If your radiator had transmission fluid in it, then the gearbox almost certainly was contaminated with coolant and this is what is probably causing your problem.
Unfortunately it does sound as if your transmission has sustained damage during the time the fluid was contaminated with coolant. However there may be alternative causes.
First exactly which fluid did you use to refill the box AND torque converter?
Second are you absolutely sure you have the fluid level correct- Many auto gearbox problems are caused by overfilling with fluid [ causes air entrainment due to frothing leading to fluid starvation in parts of the box.
My problem seems that the coolant has reached the gearbox.

The gearbox fluid is Mercedes, and the level for the fluid is full ok.

So I wonder about this Problem does it cost too much
My problem seems that the coolant has reached the gearbox.

The gearbox fluid is Mercedes, and the level for the fluid is full ok.

So I wonder about this Problem does it cost too much

If the gearbox is badly damaged then it will need to be replaced. To ascertain the extent of damage it would have to be stripped down by an auto transmission specialist This could be quite expensive due to high labour costs involved--- best probably to buy an reconditioned box from a reputable source which offers a warranty [ say 2 years] First thing is to find a good local auto transmission specialist and get them to assess the problem. You can then get an indication of the potential costs involved. I am sorry to say this will be expensive unless the problem is a minor one.
First thank you very much for your cooperation, I will check and back to you
If you are based in the United Kingdom and can give your location [ doesn't have to be exact address] then forum members might be able to suggest a transmission specialist near you. If you are based abroad I can only suggest you ask around locally for recommendations/references for a good repairer/rebuilder. Good luck.:thumb:
New Member

Join Date: Mar 2013
Car: 2001 e320 estate
Posts: 1
I have a similar problem with my 2001 E320 Estate. It runs fine for a few miles - all gears work- then loses all drive - as if it were in neutral but the light still says D. No other fAult lights come on. Same happens if the car is left idling and stationary for 25 minutes or so. Then, switch off ignition, wait a couple of minutes, restart and it's fine - changes through all the gears until another 5 miles or so, and no drive again. Star test shows codes P2500 and P2502. Help! Is it electronic or a new torque converter and gearbox?

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