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Parcel shelf issues with bass


Active Member
Aug 13, 2011
300 CE
Hello all, i want to put some good sound in my car but i am conscious that i will not be able to get the bass into the car as its all sealed. Would there be any problems in taking the parcel shelf off or actually cutting some holes in the shelf to allow the bass to flow into the car, whilst not damaging anything important?
When someone says "Good Question" You know you are going to get a carp or evasive answer.

Good Question babyblueCE.

Some people will say chop away on the parcel shelf in a moderate way. Others will say leave well alone. I'm in the latter camp. 2ND millennium big bass sounds do not fit/sit easy in 1st millennium car design.

There are post somewhere on the forum about putting more speakers into the door cards at the front of a 124 but you loose capacity for storing handbooks and the like.

If someone ever finds a small sub woofer/amp combo speaker that fits directly into the first aid cubby on the back shelf we will all have one. I have just had Rainbow speakers installed in my front dash (thanks Ian) much much better but they are not the window busting stuff you seem to be headed for.
Thanks trapperjohn but i've always been into my sound be it loud or subtle i'am a lover of both. Rainbow speakers are excellent, brilliant on clarity, good choice!
if u must but into the parcel shelf, do it in a discreet location, and place bass excursion tubes into the holes, for example these and (obviously cutting the necessary size hole first.

Bass Reflex Tubes : Coverings Grilles : Maplin

personally, i would just upgrade all of the speakers inside the cabin. but thats just me...
Quit a few people have cut extra holes or enlarged the 2 existing ones in the rear parcel shelf to accomodate larger speakers- lots of posts on this- many have improved the accoustics/mounting by re-enforcing the parcel shelf with MDF sheet -- lots of posts on this try Pontoneer's postings among others ---- do a search.
Thanks for the responses guys i will definitely upgrade the cabin speakers first and take it from there.
how easy is it to remove the actual parcel shelf?
You can remove the parcel shelf "trim" easily enough [ you may have to remove the 2 side pillar trims first?] but the parcel shelf underlying steel pressing is an integral part of the body structure. you can cut some extra holes in it [ not too much !!] but that's about it.
what i did was to cut some reasonably large holes in the shelf and then covered the holes with some speaker grilles i had kicking around. it just looked like I had 4 shelf speakers but two of the were just dummies to let the bass through.
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You still have not told us who bought your car Spike
Orca on the Talkaudio forum had a 300CE with a great system in it. He made a thick shelf out of marine ply & bolted it under the parcel shelf. He cut holes in the parcel shelf and hung woofers from the ply shelf. This "infinite baffle" setup uses the boot space as an enclosure and it takes up no useful boot space as the speaker is tucked up under the shelf

This involves a fair amount of work but is probably the best way to approach the problem

Talk Audio - UK Car Audio Forum Community

Nick Froome
the independent Mercedes Estate specialists
Orca on the Talkaudio forum had a 300CE with a great system in it. He made a thick shelf out of marine ply & bolted it under the parcel shelf. He cut holes in the parcel shelf and hung woofers from the ply shelf. This "infinite baffle" setup uses the boot space as an enclosure and it takes up no useful boot space as the speaker is tucked up under the shelf

This involves a fair amount of work but is probably the best way to approach the problem

Talk Audio - UK Car Audio Forum Community

Nick Froome
the independent Mercedes Estate specialists

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