On the same subject of MB handbrake's, I need to adjust the one in my w212 E class. From what I can gather, jack up the car, remove the wheels, and adjust the brake shoes within the "TopHat", Then remove the rear seat and check adjustment on the cables., so far so good, but is there anything specific that I should watch out for? ( goes with out saying that if needed, I'll replace the brake pads too )
Part 2:- Changing the brake fluid. I plan on vacuuming the fluid out of the master cylinder first, and topping it up with new fluid. Then go to the Passenger side rear wheel, and vacuum the fluid out of that line ( all the time replacing the fluid in the master cylinder reservoir) Next same thing with the Driver's side rear wheel, then front passenger wside, and finally, Drivers side front.
Or Would it be a better idea, to bleed them the "Old " way? Piece of plastic tubing in a bottle, with some one pumping the brake pedal, and bleed until the new fluid appear's?, wheel by wheel?
Any advice or tips are mo re than welcome, as it's the first time I have carried out this kind of job on a Mercedes.?