MB Enthusiast
Alas, my trusty '96 C180 met an unfortunate end last night and I am now searching for a replacement. I am thinking early W203 estate, and I believe the top "bells and whistles" level is Elegance. Please put me right if it isn't. The biggest decision is whether to go for a petrol (180) or Diesel (220 CDi)
I've never had any problems with the petrol C180 other than fuel consumption (average about 32 and that's with lots of motorway and easy driving; I'm not a boy racer) so what would I be letting myself in for if I bought the Diesel? I read horror stories here of glow plugs seizing and it costing thousands to rectify. Is this true and is it common? Does the lower fuel consumption compensate for the higher price of the fuel? Are they as quiet?
Any comments gratefully received.
I've never had any problems with the petrol C180 other than fuel consumption (average about 32 and that's with lots of motorway and easy driving; I'm not a boy racer) so what would I be letting myself in for if I bought the Diesel? I read horror stories here of glow plugs seizing and it costing thousands to rectify. Is this true and is it common? Does the lower fuel consumption compensate for the higher price of the fuel? Are they as quiet?
Any comments gratefully received.