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Pioneer Custom FIt W202


MB Enthusiast
Sep 23, 2004
Ontario, Canada
2009 C300 4Matic, 2012 Kia Sportage, 2015 Triumph Tiger800 XCX
Having recently been out bid on ebay with seconds to go :crazy: I have been searching franticly to find some of these speakers. Well Now i have from hifishop.at. Having sent an email yes we have got some expect in around 10 days :) . But the price Approx £192. Seems expensive.

So the question is can anyone with these speakers or having heard these speakers comment on the quality or should I just go for some standard aftermarket components? Where without a doubt you could get a more powerful speaker for the money. But it is the custom tweeter which sells the pioneers.
I was originally looking for components, but because I'm obsessed with Sony for some reason, I ended up getting a couple of 3-way coaxials for the front. Now, I dunno how components would sound, but I tell ya, I don't regret getting the coaxials at all. The sound quality is great for me, but once again, I don't know how much better components are than coaxials (apart from the factory fittings ofcourse - and they suck). It's a little annoying having tweeters in the dash and in the doors, making it technically, a lot less official if you see what I mean.

All I'm saying is that it might be another option for you, but at such a cheap price, you could get coaxials for your front and back doors, and have a kitted out car which would sound great.
My back doors dont have any speakers :(

Have just fitted kenwood 3 Way 7*10" Under the rear shelf though
I was fortunate to pick a set of these speakers up on E-Bay a couple of months ago for about a third of the RRP. Yeah they sound very good and yeah the custom tweeters look and sound the biz but I'm not so sure I would have paid £200 for them!!! They're still being powered by a cheap Sony head unit which I've not got round to upgrading yet... maybe then they'll seem worthy of their original price tag???

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