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Plastic rear panels on r230


New Member
Jan 26, 2016
The plastic rear side panels on each side of rear window have discoloured on the underside.it looks like they have a black coating which is coming of about 2" in on both sides,do these panels come off easily ?if so how,maybe i could recoat the using a mat black spray or somthing to that effect,it would be a worth while task as new ones would probably be expensive.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Have the same problem but no one appears to have come up with a solution. Seems a common fault. One MB dealer I spoke to suggested having the panels wrapped in situ but the ones on ours now have an uneven surface and I wondered whether this would show through the wrap. Left them alone until I find the definite solution.
Been there & have the T shirt. I tried having it wrapped - looked good for a few weeks until the weather got hot & the wrap showed up tiny blisters.

Ended up taking them off & getting them resprayed - looked 100% & lasted a good year at least until I got rid of the car.

Removal isn't rocket science but nor is it that easy and some of the mounting clips will snap (guaranteed) although that's no major problem.

I have the instructions somewhere if you are determined!
Thanks for replys,I will take mine off and spray the underside,this leaves the outside surface looking original but not sure how long it will last,worth a try i guess.
lxi - I would be grateful if you could post some guidance on how to remove the panels if possible. If memory serves me others have asked this question before without a definite solution but it sounds like you cracked the problem.

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