MB Enthusiast
I think the issue for most people is that their cars appear to be intentionally done up to resemble Police vehicles as closely as possible, which causes the 'rolling roadblock' effect already mentioned. The fact is that stupid people ARE reluctant to overtake a Police vehicle ... even when it's cruising at well below the NSL (just as they abruptly brake to 10 mph below the current speed limit for any Gatso they spot).
If the HATO vehicles had a distinctive high-vis colour scheme of their own then I think they would be far more appreciated for doing a worthwhile job.
I take your point but there is a flip side to this - one could argue that it is essential that the HATO cars are liveried in a fashion similar to that of the instantly recognisable Police cars. Following an incident (accident, debris on the road, breakdown, etc.) their vehicles act as an instantly identifiable indication that officials are present and that caution should be exercised.
Since we have already established that the majority of the population is too ill-informed (or stupid) to differentiate between Police and HATO vehicles (despite the fact that they are clearly liveried differently), it seems sensible to me that the HATO vehicles don't make themselves any more different to Police cars than at present since the last thing you want when you have a Highways Agency Officer recovering debris from the carriageway is someone storming along at 100mph thinking "I don't know what that funny coloured van on the hard shoulder is but, as it's clearly not a Police car, I will just plough on regardless".