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Power steering hiss and judder


MB Enthusiast
Jun 20, 2004
1989 W126 300 SE
My power steering hisses and judders when i turn it on full lock to the right. Theres no noise at all when turned to the left.

Any ideas what might be wrong????

Cheers, Stu.
Both of my cars do that, and the level is fine in both. Merc has new fluid and filter, BMW I havn't opened the resevoir.
The level was low when i bought the car so i topped it up and it made no diferance at all.

I just got this from 190revolution.net.

You need to bleed it stu....
jack the car up and set it on axle stands,take the top off the power steering pump (it's also the reservoir..),and with the car in NEUTRAL!!! start the engine. Let it idle for a few mins,and if the level is ok,SLOWLY (ok,not THAT slow smartass...!) turn the steering wheel full lock left/right a few times;keep checking the fluid level and top-up as required (only to the bottom of the plastic 'tower',you can see the level indicator...)....do this, switch off and re-assemble...should be job jobbed...go for a test drive,and if that worked,give yourself a pat on the back...

Il see if that works.


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