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R107 squeaking sound when turning steering to the right


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
1989 500SL
I have an 1989 SL and when on the move there is a repetitive "squeak squeak squeak" sound or it could be described like a bird tweeting "tweet tweet tweet"when I turn the steering to the right. It seems to go faster as the car does It goes away when I move it back to straight ahead or turn left. It is really annoying. It seems to come from the left side of the car. Not sure if it is from the front or back wheel. Any ideas please?


It could be anything that rotates as the car moves. Quite possibly it's a brake pad or back plate.

Take it to a garage

Nick Froome
I have taken all brake pads out, no sign of anything rubbing. All parts look fine. Put everything back. it still makes the same noise when steering to the right. It is a really annoying mystery. Can anyone help?

Possibly one of the two wheel bearings on the front nearside------- turning right will load up the bearings on that side by weight transfer. - Check the bearing endfloat and whether there is any roughness when you spin the wheel manually with the car jacked up. If unsure what to look/feel for check the offside for comparison.
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Thanks. I don't know how to check end float but I can either learn or get my local specialist to check for me...
I will check how freely the wheels spin though.
For rough end float jack the car up then grab the wheel at 3 and 9 clock and rock it in and out side to side- bit like shaking it. You may feel a slight movement in and out at the hub--- that's the end float. It adjusted with the big nut locked with the allen key/headed bolt. To do it correctly requires a dial gauge -----but by roughly comparing one side of the car to the other you may get an indication if one side has slightly more play than the other?
Brake caliper slides seized/rusty.
No, the sliders that pull them together,two of them covered by small rubber boots.
Not Mercedes but these are what to look for.

View attachment 52464
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check your power steering fluid level , and belt tension/condition. With the engine running , move the steering wheel slightly to the left and right and see if you get any noises from the engine bay.
I think my calipers are fixed (non sliding) 4 piston on the front and twin piston on the rear. I am a bit confused...

like this one ?

View attachment 52472

Sorry to confuse issue:o

I still feel your problem is brake related.

now damn picture wont enlarge.:crazy:
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For those that wondered: it was the hand brake shoes breaking up.

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