Thanks for that .... I think I happy with the car but trying to decide whether paying upfront (monthly) for maintenance + tyres is better than taking the hit when it comes up for service.
When the dealer talks about £1300 bills!!! I am tempted to take the monthly option... But I guess they are keen to sell the monthly option
Apart from the basic service (which the dealer should be able to give you the price for) I had new front pads with the second service, and rear pads fitted last week. I've also had 4 new tyres but that's it.
E220CDI avantgarde-tansanite blue with sand-cream leather .Honda Civic, Honda Stream SESport( 160bhp
Still got around 6000 miles to second service. The car has only done 17000 miles and is 2 years old..hows that for low mileage. I seem to be only driving it occasionally. Got told it is about 350-450 quid for service D which aint bad.
Somehow i can't see myself having service done in the next 12 months.