Any suggestions on a way to cost effectively replace my COMAND unit.??
Short story is, one day last week the NAV would not boot, screen and logo came on, but shut down after about 20secs.
Then repeat behaviour.
2 days later the car would'nt start at all. Nothing.
Infact the battery was drained down to 4v (yes 4v).
Fresh battery and left overnight (car locked etcetc) went from 13.4v down to 12.2 in 10hours.
Took it to an auto elec specialist, who tested and found the drain to stabilise after 10 minutes at 1.1A in 'locked' mode.
Tested/pulled a few fuses and found pulling the COMAND fuse took the parasitic drain down to under 0.1A and dropping.
Normal levels.
So, not only would the COMAND unit not power up. It was shorting and draining the battery. That was yesterday.
Its a high mileage 07 W203 model, so paying alot of money is pointless.
Going to a main dealer is out of the question ofcourse.
Any electric wizards out there.??
Does anyone have any experience on where/how to repair the NTG2?
Any advice/experience on getting and fitting a second hand unit?
Thanks in advance.
Short story is, one day last week the NAV would not boot, screen and logo came on, but shut down after about 20secs.
Then repeat behaviour.
2 days later the car would'nt start at all. Nothing.
Infact the battery was drained down to 4v (yes 4v).
Fresh battery and left overnight (car locked etcetc) went from 13.4v down to 12.2 in 10hours.
Took it to an auto elec specialist, who tested and found the drain to stabilise after 10 minutes at 1.1A in 'locked' mode.
Tested/pulled a few fuses and found pulling the COMAND fuse took the parasitic drain down to under 0.1A and dropping.
Normal levels.
So, not only would the COMAND unit not power up. It was shorting and draining the battery. That was yesterday.
Its a high mileage 07 W203 model, so paying alot of money is pointless.
Going to a main dealer is out of the question ofcourse.
Any electric wizards out there.??
Does anyone have any experience on where/how to repair the NTG2?
Any advice/experience on getting and fitting a second hand unit?
Thanks in advance.