Road Angel database did not used to be that good, If you look on the Argos Clearance shop on e bay go to shops search by shop name "Clearance Bargains" there is a snooper s4 for £42 these were £199 when they came out and they use the enigma database which is spot on.
On a separate note went to professional driving seminar this week, several of the police forces represented there say that for stealth cameras they are switching back to the self powered forward facing black boxes, the ones that look like mini Gatso's. These operate on Ku band Radar and so gps and laser detection devices cannot pick them up. So going forward if you want to be bullet proof you will need a device that detects radar too like in the old days.
I think you can bolt a Snooper S100 on to the S4 to get radar protection it then becomes an S4 Neo. Now I have found this out I also need to protect myself against radar, will report back on what devices I look at.