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roadrage at Tesco's


Active Member
Aug 3, 2004
Schuylkill Haven, PA, USA
I had another incident this afternoon IN the Tesco carpark. A guy pulled out and nearly took my front wing off. I honked my dissaproval of his stupid move and carried on. Then I notice him in my mirror, slamming on the brakes, puts it in reverse and nearly slams into the lady behind him. :eek: I carried on to my parking space, only to realize he was following me through the carpark. He pulled up behind me blocking traffic and just stood there. Not wanting to get in a fight or have to endure his verbal which was due to follow, I just sat there in my car. After 5 minutes he drove off in a huff. Then to my surprise, the lady he nearly reversed into pulled up next to me, she had waited all that time for me, just in case something happened . . . she had seen everything.

Thats it for me I think . . . . going back to bed.
Best thing to do is to ignore and walk away - in my opinion the bigger man always walks away.

Had a similar incident to this one - some Land Rover Discovery pulled out of a side road causing me to slam on my brakes - so in fury I horned. The dumb a££ slams on his brakes and three massive body builders got out of the car. Luckily there were no cars behind me so I reversed back and they started running towards the Merc I then put the gear into drive and drove straight at them (they imediately moved out of the way and I overtook there vehilce an drove off...) they chased me afterwards but could not keep up... - whilst they were trying to chase me I did taunt them afterwards though by punching my fist into the air out of the drivers window (like some sort of victory...)

mmmmm - and we wonder why we get road rage :(
Did anyone see the thing the other night about the use of knifes and so called slashings. Think I'll stay in my car next time.....................
andy_k said:
tee hee anarchy you sure seem to be involved in a lot of "incidents" your stress levels must be scary :)


Maybe you should lend him your avatar Andy :devil:
R2D2 said:
Did anyone see the thing the other night about the use of knifes and so called slashings. Think I'll stay in my car next time.....................

That's one of the reasons I stayed in my car. This guy might have been ok (verbal and non-violent) in the end, but I just don't want provoke anyone beyond the honking and face a knife. Having grown up in California, you learn to be wary of these kinds of things. There, you have no doubt a gun would be involved.

But on a lighter note, I just wasn't in the mood to listen to whatever crap he had to dish out and I was in no hurry. I'm big enough to defend myself and will if attacked, but it's just not worth it. I did think of getting out and walking away, but then he might have keyed my car or somthing equally nasty. This way, I knew he was gone and my car safe.
andy_k said:
tee hee anarchy you sure seem to be involved in a lot of "incidents" your stress levels must be scary :)


Well, considering I recently started a new job, I've got "builders" in "working" on an extension and these recent idiots, I guess you're right. In all fairness though, this roadrage incident wasn't stressfull as it all happened at 15mph and I just laughed at him to see how he would stand there.

What do you expect shopping at Tesco's? ;)


PS. All's well that ends well.
sorry I got a bit of Hulk coming on.... arrrhhhhhh you wouldn't like me when I'm angry..

Increasingly I get worked up having to giveway to drivers when they have to giveway or have no right of entry

My pet hate is the one way entrance to the Safeway carpark,
I can merrily come around the corner only to find a car exiting from this entrance, and the car stops and waits for me to giveway (with no intention of reversing), and I have to reverse (taking care another car doesn't come round the bend and slam into my behind) GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Doesnt all this only go to show that shopping in your local corner shop DOES have advantages :D :D :D
I hope you got the reg number and reported it to the Police as even though no harm was done he has broken the law. Police do now take this seriously and will go and have a chat.

Worth doing IMO next time it could be some elderly person or female.

Here is an even worse story about peoples anger taken from Fiat Coupe owner...

Was the way to work this morning, nice and early as normal (05:45), nice quite roads and the out side temp is good for a bit of ‘turbo spin up testing’ – i.e. put it in forth at about 1500rpm and then floor it to see what, when, how the boost comes into play etc.

So my average speed was from around 30mph to 60mph, on a deserted dual carriage way, how ever a Honda Civic Type R appears in the rear view mirror, I note that it is also in the slow lane and that it had sped fast up to my bumper then sat there no more than a couple of feet of it. I checked my speed – 50mph, I had stopped testing when I seen the Honda as I don’t want to mess around with silly low speeds and then speed up – slow down etc.

Anyway this guy was sitting on my rear bumper, I think about flooring it but to be honest they are no real fun to get past or pull away from so I save my fuel for something quicker that will give my coop a bit of chance to stretch its legs. ………..The guy is still there, but this time he is slowing and hanging off for a couple of car lengths then speeds right up to my bumper again, next time I saw him hang back I took my foot off the accelerator peddle so that I slowed at the same amount and kept one car’s distance from him, when I saw his shoulders drop I guessed that he was going for a gear change so I to prepared to match his gear, as I saw the front of his car raise I too accelerated so that I maintained the one car gap – still staying in the slow lane.

Did this twice and then indicated left as to say ‘overtake’ – he did using all his rpm by the sound of it, he speed off to the front but then hanked on the brakes that hard that I could see the Honda skewing in the fast lane as if in protest for such an abrupt braking manoeuvres. He pulled into the slow lane but was only doing a crawl, I over took at 50 mph, as I got along side he hit his accelerator and shot past on the inside – I indicated left and sat in the slow lane still at the same speed.

He did the manoeuvre yet again but this time there was a BMW also in the fast lane doing about 70mph, but this idiot still hit the brakes in the same way, the BMW had to do some quick evasive driving to avoid rear ending the Honda, but as the BMW got into the slow lane to undertake the guy in the Honda hit his accelerator again and matched the pace of the BMW, the BMW hit its brakes and allowed the Honda to over take. The Honda then slowed down again and the BMW had to over take once again, but this time I think the BMW driver must of made a gesture as he went past as the Honda guy must of seen red and went tearing after the guy and did some extremely dangerous manoeuvres that yet again made the BMW drive have to take action in order to avoid a collision.

We came to some traffic lights and the guy in the Honda got out of the car and booted the BMW ………….. I could not believe it, I then noticed that the driver of the BMW was a women…………….. I shouted out of the window to the Honda guy telling him to calm down, with this he then shouted back ‘oh you want some as well’ and then proceeded to walk towards my Coupe – I got out of the car and started to walk towards him as to head him off from getting to close to the Coupe, he started to go a little quieter once he saw me, I then calmly informed him that he should get back in his Japanese Tractor before I stuck I assisted him back into it. I then went on to inform him that he was a complete k**b, the lady that was in the BMW got out of her car at this time and had a look at the dent that this yob had left and asked him for his details – he refused but then noticed that I had now walked up and took his keys out of his ignition……….’Oi – give them back’ – I looked at him and told him to get all the details out and give it to the woman other wise I was going to drive off with his keys and with the BMW following go to the nearest cop shop and make a statement.

He retorted that he was going to sort me out – to which I then stood still and held my arms open as a gesture to tell him to ‘fill his boots’ ……….. he must of decided against it as he then started to apologise to everyone in what I think was a realisation that he was in a ‘pickle’ and there was no way out of it.

To cut a long story all details were given to the lady and we even got his name, mobile number, home number (they were all on his mobile) address and insurance details (in his glove box) . I had a little chat with the woman and told her to make a statement to the coppers and also gave her my details for witness purposes.
pammy said:
mmmmm - and we wonder why we get road rage :(

I never look for road rage and always try and stay calm but in this scenario I ws anooyed as I did nothign wrong (had I not manouvered quickly then thye would have no doubt put kncoks and dnets into my car... I dont lik to be bullied by anyone (which is why I winded them up afterwards - it was a clear open road ahead (very long road) and there was no way they were going to be able to keep up with a 6 Liter engine... now I do not even react and avoid sounding the horn completely.

As for the moran kicking the woman's BMW makes him a coward. OK I have had road rage with women (but NEVER started them - I never have got out of the car or made hand festures like they have done or tried to intimidate anyone - its only gone far as verbal and me making my point and I have always stayed calm and just laughed. I have helped a woman though in road rage and restrained the moran until Police arrived.

I don't doubt what you say Flash - but I bet you anything that the other guy see's it exactly the same way, ie that he had done nothing wrong either. It then becomes a cycle where neither will give way.

I once saw a driver get out of his car on the normal morning Harrogate to Leeds run because this other car had cut him up. Ithappens a lot on the A61. He was thumping on this other cars door n stuff(we'd been stopped at lights) and it all got very very nasty. I'm not condoning bad driving - being cut up and making dangerous moves is not on.

Problem is you never know what's coming up around the bend and that car that you thought you'd well and truly blown off - could well be up your bum before you know and who knows where it might then end. Sadly - usually the innocent party paying the higher price.

It's not about standing up for not being bullied - it's about making a sensible and safe retreat to ensure that you make it home in one piece for your tea - imho.
pammy said:
I don't doubt what you say Flash - but I bet you anything that the other guy see's it exactly the same way, ie that he had done nothing wrong either. It then becomes a cycle where neither will give way.

I once saw a driver get out of his car on the normal morning Harrogate to Leeds run because this other car had cut him up. Ithappens a lot on the A61. He was thumping on this other cars door n stuff(we'd been stopped at lights) and it all got very very nasty. I'm not condoning bad driving - being cut up and making dangerous moves is not on.

Problem is you never know what's coming up around the bend and that car that you thought you'd well and truly blown off - could well be up your bum before you know and who knows where it might then end. Sadly - usually the innocent party paying the higher price.

It's not about standing up for not being bullied - it's about making a sensible and safe retreat to ensure that you make it home in one piece for your tea - imho.

Well said Pammy.

Live to see another day in this Road Rage Culture we live in. :eek: :eek:
pammy said:
I don't doubt what you say Flash - but I bet you anything that the other guy see's it exactly the same way, ie that he had done nothing wrong either. It then becomes a cycle where neither will give way.

I once saw a driver get out of his car on the normal morning Harrogate to Leeds run because this other car had cut him up. Ithappens a lot on the A61. He was thumping on this other cars door n stuff(we'd been stopped at lights) and it all got very very nasty. I'm not condoning bad driving - being cut up and making dangerous moves is not on.

Problem is you never know what's coming up around the bend and that car that you thought you'd well and truly blown off - could well be up your bum before you know and who knows where it might then end. Sadly - usually the innocent party paying the higher price.

It's not about standing up for not being bullied - it's about making a sensible and safe retreat to ensure that you make it home in one piece for your tea - imho.

I understand what ur saying Pammy but in my opinion he "deliberately" pulled out of the side road (knowing I was approaching causing me to slam the brakes which made a huge screeching sound...). Had it not been for BAS then I would have rear ended him for sure.

I agree it is about making sensible decision which is why I no longer react to incidents on the road (unless I have to defend myself or someoe else defenceless... i.e. man starting on a woman... - first cause of action would be to verbally resolve the situation calmy... my other half was unfortuante to be a victim of an atatck by a man and not even one person intervened but she is brave and thought back -he could not get away because he was grid locked in traffic and Police got there eventually and charged him etc.). I always look forward everyday coming home to see/be greeted by my other half.


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