With email addresses / name removed, here is a conversation that Mark just had
Bloke mails in: -
So Mark figures that we don't know who this is, and as we don't know whose car he is trying to start & that its probably against the law to assist someone doing this without diligintly checking they own the car, but do suggest that MB may actually help him for free, as many new Mercedes owners dont know about Mobilo Life
And this is the fine response from this clearly well educated gentleman ..
(the **** werent particularly rude, just unpleasant)
Had to bite my tongue , so thought i'd vent here.
Bloke mails in: -
Hi there. I have a C180, and although it started this morning for the
first time since I got it (got it for nothing), drove fine.
Cleaned it out at my work, no it won't start - the red and green LEDs
just flash at me.
Can you tell me how to bypass the immobiliser so I can get it running
and take it round for an MOT please?
So Mark figures that we don't know who this is, and as we don't know whose car he is trying to start & that its probably against the law to assist someone doing this without diligintly checking they own the car, but do suggest that MB may actually help him for free, as many new Mercedes owners dont know about Mobilo Life
I'm afraid that we are not allowed to give out this information.
If the car is under 30 years old and has been serviced by Mercedes or to
mercedes standards then it is covered by the mobilo life which means you
can call Mercedes out to get it going for you!
Hope this helps,
And this is the fine response from this clearly well educated gentleman ..
(the **** werent particularly rude, just unpleasant)
OBVIOUSLY It didn't help. ****.
Just as well I figured it out myself. Thanks for sod all.
Had to bite my tongue , so thought i'd vent here.