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Rust and how to prevent it!??


Feb 3, 2006
Hi guys,

I have a question if i may...

Im about to get my rear window replaced...along with the rubber seal that goes around the window...

upon further inspection in the boot i can see that there are signs of water, not a lot of it but its there...Further i can see a small patch of rust...on either side...

Took it to a garage and the guy said he would chop out the rust and weld a new bit of metal into it....err, i dont think so matey! I came home and had a look myself and to be honest its not even that bad at all...certainly not bad enough to warrant doing what he suggested!!!

So my question is this, how best can i tackle the very little rust that is there? Rust killer? Then followed by body wax? Where can i buy this stuff from?

Many thanks as always...
If the water is leaking into the boot there must be a fair bit of rust. Replacement of the metal is the best option.
there is no rust anywhere apart from where i mentioned; and that is minimal...

TBH i dont like the idea of them cutting metal out of the bodywork...
I have repared loads of rust in the past (some on my w202) most of my work keeps it rust free for about a year or so before somtimes it returns. (could say that im doing it wrong then! )

Apart from 1 part which I used KRUST Gel. At the time I thought it was no use, but 2 years on, still rust free :)

1. Sand down until you have bare metal and the rust has 100% gone.

2. Paint on KRUST (3 Coats)

3. Spray on primer

4. Spray on body paint

5.Spray on Laquer.

This should be done over 2 days without using the car.
corroless (spelling ?) from eastwoods catalogue,, is supposed to be good stuff,, turns the rust a black colour and forms a kind of coating thats supposed to stop anymore rusting,, never used it myself,,
Probably the same phosphoric acid chemistry based system as the the old KURUST. see the post about using Coke to free plugs! the gell is a very good idea for vertical surfaces
zakh said:
there is no rust anywhere apart from where i mentioned; and that is minimal...

TBH i dont like the idea of them cutting metal out of the bodywork...

Surely for the water to be leaking inside the panel must be holed, presumably by rust. If this is the case then only replacement will do.
Dieselman said:
If the water is leaking into the boot there must be a fair bit of rust. Replacement of the metal is the best option.
:bannana: :bannana:

Hi Dieselman,
;) It is VERY rare that we disagree, but you know my thoughts on rust. My opinion is 100% in agreement with yours.

I have not seen the corrossion we are discussing, but I would want to know where the water is coming from. It is useless curing the end result without stopping the cause.

It is obviously never worth cutting out one small piece of rust and I'm sure the person that saw the damage was aware of this.

Short term if you want to sell the car... bodge it and let some poor sucker land up with the proble.

Long term, if you want to keep it, then it deserves the best of treatment.


Great thread with some excellent advice

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