Hi David, I realise your post was months ago, but did you get round to replacing your estate boot seal? Mine has been knocked about and while I'm sorting out the chrome shut panel I thought I would put a new seal in - but I have no idea how! Any tips gratefully received.
Tim, no I haven't. When I did the chrome trim it just pulled off but there did seem to be some sort of sealant in there too. I imagine with a little investigating I'll find out what it is. I'm sure it will just pull off and push back on. I just need to find the time to order one!
Tim, no I haven't. When I did the chrome trim it just pulled off but there did seem to be some sort of sealant in there too. I imagine with a little investigating I'll find out what it is. I'm sure it will just pull off and push back on. I just need to find the time to order one!
Hi David, many thanks for your swift response! If you do find out I'd be really glad to hear about it. I'll ask around too. And you mention time ... didn't someone just raise the idea of the 4-day working week??? If only!