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Selling my 230CLK Convertible


Active Member
Apr 26, 2006
West London
Benz CLK 230 Convertible

I am looking to sell my 230CLK cabbie - its in excellent nick with full SH last 2 from indie specialist. Its a avantvgarde so no need to explain all the bits that it has as you prolly already know, i have retro fitted a command, but havent finished the final 2 bits off - 1 x connecing to the speed sensor wire in the passengers door seal and 2, havent connected it to Pin1 of thje c plug on the back of the command (these 2 wires are for the sat nav) otherwise - it works perfetly and also has a multi cd changer in the boot connected to it as well - jus the sat nav isnt working cause of the 2 wires not being connected..... just aint had time to do this....

Bodywork is xcellent aside fm 2 minor door kinks on one side. Internally the Dash has the LEDS faulty for the temp and the time, however i spent £160 on a recon unit but have not had time to fit this - i have the unit. Once fitted you will need to take it to Merc to get the warnings lights reset and also the speedo set correctly. they charge £50 for this i think.

The car is sitting on 73K miles and is a 2001- Y reg. I have had a tracker fitted as well in the car (£250 fo that) - it runs beautifully and am extremely reluctant to sell the car - but i am moving out of the country soon and need to start tying up loose ends......

If you are interested - i will offer 1st refusal to the Benz forum - please contact me if you want to talk in more detail about the car - i am looking for about ...... well make me a reasonable offer - remember the car as it is in very good condition.....

I have all the paperwork from birth inc the service book and last 2 MOT sertificates which is when the car was over 3 yrs old.

If you are genuinelly interested, please contact me via the forum or by email @ [email protected] - I live in West London......

I'll upload some pics lil later so u can see the car.

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