Yet another innocent pilgrim arrives at the gate of the monument to the clarity of MB Assyst+ and servicing.
The sheets give the traditional A and B plus mileage/age items. Then there may be additional work due as a result of checks on the car and Assyst+ reporting additional items.
The A, B, C, D in the car is basically Assyst+ estimate of the number of hours likely to be required. (A = ~1, B = ~2, etc). It has *NOTHING* to do with the A and the B on the service sheets.
Mine is showing 'D+' for the next one, which is basically a 4-hour long service - plus brakes. Fortunately it won't need doing for about a year on current form...
Well the Brakes and the Gearbox oil & Filters have been done recently, so that should take those out of the equation,
I will ignore the indicator from now on then!