Well after finally getting my oil cooler done and, after cleaning all the manifolds /swirl valves/EGR/Throttle body/ EGR Cooler so they had no deposits, I thought a full service was a good idea.
So Fuel filter was done anyway in removing oil cooler.
Air filter was a few minutes, although I cleaned the sensors with MAP cleaner as well.
Oil change - cannot believe how much oil it took. Never screwed up an oil change before (other than forgetting to put sump plug in , and feeling the oil I was pouring in a top, flooding on my feet at bottom but I was young then.)
Filled it up with oil and started the engine, heard my neighbour screaming -' Stop! Stop!' so turned engine off immediately.
Went round the front and oil had sprayed up her wall about 7 foot, was blasting out the filter cap!-'O' ring had got distorted and lost about Litre of oil
So after much time clearing up above started Transmission oil change.
Disconnected flow and return pipes from oil cooler and used an old Gunsens Eazy- bleed to pump the fresh fluid through , had bought 20L of fluid so just done it until it was perfectly clear.
Took ages to find T/C drain plug as was so tiny, went round whole thing twice until I twigged it was that really tiny thing. Nothing I had would get to it, as at an angle,and no clearance, so in the end used a small screwdriver sized bit with correct fit and a small spanner acting like a wrench.
Drained T/C and sump ,then replaced plugs and left overnight-next morning was surprised at the amount of oil that had dripped through-as had to let drain for a minute again.
Went to take sump off -nice and easy 6 bolts, then when you get to the front pair the anti-roll bar is in the way-haven't seen this nightmare on internet.
Used a small pry bar to push the roll bar enough to get a 1/4 inch socket set in -phew nightmare over-then realised the sump pan also will not come off!
Thought I would remove the 'U' bolt from the roll bar on the N/S as could get to it and allow enough movement to remove sump pan- took ages to remove the rear bolt, then when I got to front bolt was totally seized and eventually stripped away star bolt
So was lying underneath, oil leaking on me from the flapping sump pan thinking is there ANYTHING easy on this damn van?
Went away to cry, then come back after pondering how to move the roll bar forward enough, armed with 2 heavy duty quick clamps I use for woodwork, one end on chassis , the other on roll bar clamped them up and moved bar about 1/2 inch or so, to allow the pan to come off.
New gasket , filter ,sump on and torqued up to correct setting-do not be tempted to over tighten! replaced tiny T/C plug then started filling ATF 7.5 L which took ages .
Started the car and went through lever to get oil flowing ,left in 'D' etc, took forever to heat up transmission to 70 degrees so went for a slow drive and still took ages- checked with I/R heat tester all over tranny from underneath to make sure.
Hardest part is trying to read dipstick, as so hard to see, had a paranoia about small plastic bit on end snapping off in gearbox., thank god it didn't thou.... topped it up with a large syringe in small quantities.
Also flushed the power steering fluid which did not look like the usual stuff it seemed like normal oil?
Flushed coolant out and replaced with MB stuff at £25 for 5 L !
The only thing left to do is a rear diff oil change, but want to wait until I drive a bit to let it warm up before draining.
Well have drove it back and two to work for last 3 days and no leaks though there was one from tranny gasket , but it was when I had got inpatient filling ATF and some had spilled over down the dipstick and eventually over transmission sump pan.
Transmission is definitely better, shifts smoother, and it's almost like it doesn't' slip' as much and you seem to have more immediate power through box before it shifts up.
Engine tick over is a lot quieter, with fresh oil, and less noise from power steering when moving it around ,so all good so far.
Just filled to the brim with V power and will do an average MPG check and pray it's not too bad .
I cannot do anything more to make the van run smoother, most efficient it can be-everything has been done , so hope its reliable as need to build my confidence in it, and if MPG not horrific, will start doing other nice thing to it - just need a load more time and money first, and as everything seems to be hard on this van - Patience
So Fuel filter was done anyway in removing oil cooler.
Air filter was a few minutes, although I cleaned the sensors with MAP cleaner as well.
Oil change - cannot believe how much oil it took. Never screwed up an oil change before (other than forgetting to put sump plug in , and feeling the oil I was pouring in a top, flooding on my feet at bottom but I was young then.)
Filled it up with oil and started the engine, heard my neighbour screaming -' Stop! Stop!' so turned engine off immediately.
Went round the front and oil had sprayed up her wall about 7 foot, was blasting out the filter cap!-'O' ring had got distorted and lost about Litre of oil
So after much time clearing up above started Transmission oil change.
Disconnected flow and return pipes from oil cooler and used an old Gunsens Eazy- bleed to pump the fresh fluid through , had bought 20L of fluid so just done it until it was perfectly clear.
Took ages to find T/C drain plug as was so tiny, went round whole thing twice until I twigged it was that really tiny thing. Nothing I had would get to it, as at an angle,and no clearance, so in the end used a small screwdriver sized bit with correct fit and a small spanner acting like a wrench.
Drained T/C and sump ,then replaced plugs and left overnight-next morning was surprised at the amount of oil that had dripped through-as had to let drain for a minute again.
Went to take sump off -nice and easy 6 bolts, then when you get to the front pair the anti-roll bar is in the way-haven't seen this nightmare on internet.
Used a small pry bar to push the roll bar enough to get a 1/4 inch socket set in -phew nightmare over-then realised the sump pan also will not come off!
Thought I would remove the 'U' bolt from the roll bar on the N/S as could get to it and allow enough movement to remove sump pan- took ages to remove the rear bolt, then when I got to front bolt was totally seized and eventually stripped away star bolt
So was lying underneath, oil leaking on me from the flapping sump pan thinking is there ANYTHING easy on this damn van?
Went away to cry, then come back after pondering how to move the roll bar forward enough, armed with 2 heavy duty quick clamps I use for woodwork, one end on chassis , the other on roll bar clamped them up and moved bar about 1/2 inch or so, to allow the pan to come off.
New gasket , filter ,sump on and torqued up to correct setting-do not be tempted to over tighten! replaced tiny T/C plug then started filling ATF 7.5 L which took ages .
Started the car and went through lever to get oil flowing ,left in 'D' etc, took forever to heat up transmission to 70 degrees so went for a slow drive and still took ages- checked with I/R heat tester all over tranny from underneath to make sure.
Hardest part is trying to read dipstick, as so hard to see, had a paranoia about small plastic bit on end snapping off in gearbox., thank god it didn't thou.... topped it up with a large syringe in small quantities.
Also flushed the power steering fluid which did not look like the usual stuff it seemed like normal oil?
Flushed coolant out and replaced with MB stuff at £25 for 5 L !
The only thing left to do is a rear diff oil change, but want to wait until I drive a bit to let it warm up before draining.
Well have drove it back and two to work for last 3 days and no leaks though there was one from tranny gasket , but it was when I had got inpatient filling ATF and some had spilled over down the dipstick and eventually over transmission sump pan.
Transmission is definitely better, shifts smoother, and it's almost like it doesn't' slip' as much and you seem to have more immediate power through box before it shifts up.
Engine tick over is a lot quieter, with fresh oil, and less noise from power steering when moving it around ,so all good so far.
Just filled to the brim with V power and will do an average MPG check and pray it's not too bad .
I cannot do anything more to make the van run smoother, most efficient it can be-everything has been done , so hope its reliable as need to build my confidence in it, and if MPG not horrific, will start doing other nice thing to it - just need a load more time and money first, and as everything seems to be hard on this van - Patience