Active Member
Car was apparently serviced just 4000 miles ago
Apart from cost, wanted to get to know car a bit and I just like to know what fluids ect are in car and have spares for top ups, Cost so far, 10lts oil £22, 10lts ready mix anti freeze £15, 25 litres deionised water £15, rear wiper arm and jet £10, Dot 4 £7, pollen, air, fuel, oil filters £42, new belt £13.
All in Tasks not to bad.
Oil I used a pump into a clean oil can, I used a pump through dip stick, it stopped pulling a few times but as I was only at about 2.5 lts I assumed operator error, was correct I had maybe pushed it in to far and end of tube had curled up, adjusted it a few times eventually got about 5.5 litres out of car, which seamed about right, the oil was Black very very black, not what I expected for 4000 mile oil, the plastic oil filter housing was done up so tight they must have used a breaker bar to do up.
Replacing filters were all very easy, was a bit taken back just how bad the pollen and air filters were, fuel filter no problem just fitted new one, turned ignition on for about 15 secs with out starting 3 times fired right up on 4th turn.
Anti freeze was bit of pain as had to jack up and remover tray, the red drain on rad was just in wrong place with out me making a special tool, bottom rad pip clip was set back and twisted around, so just removed it at other end from water pump and drained it there, the fluid that came out was almost like clear water with hint of blue, I was expecting it too be darker. drained it all filled with deionised water run to temp and drained again, filled with MB spec ready mix, I have enough for 2 changes so will run car for a bit and change again to make sure def have right mix, think I got about 4lts out of car and put same in, book says 4.6 for fluid change but not sure if that's just to change or total capacity of system.
The washer bottle was previously drained, cleaned and filled with deionised water and shell concentrate
I greased locks, gave rubber seals spray with gummie
Front breaks and discs look almost new, drop links I think I may replace before MOT, rear disc and pads about half worn so that's on to do list, exhaust seamed ok with the front section onto engine with sensor looking very new
Iv got to fit the new belt but held of for now, I noticed when pulling of hose from pump, was some oil gunk around that area, not wet like dripping just messy, followed up and could see also above pipe was an electrical wire (better seen from under bonnet) that also seams to have oil on it, not sure where it coming from but will need looking at
From a cost point of view to service a MB m very happy maybe there is a case for the A class, mechanically any way. and most tasks easy enough, hard part was was dealing with broken or missing fixings on car from previous repairs, or part that had been way over tightened or just chewed up.
Still need to do Auto box but will take to Indi for that
At least now I know they have been done, not sure what they did at 4,000 ago but almost everything I looked at needed doing
Apart from cost, wanted to get to know car a bit and I just like to know what fluids ect are in car and have spares for top ups, Cost so far, 10lts oil £22, 10lts ready mix anti freeze £15, 25 litres deionised water £15, rear wiper arm and jet £10, Dot 4 £7, pollen, air, fuel, oil filters £42, new belt £13.
All in Tasks not to bad.
Oil I used a pump into a clean oil can, I used a pump through dip stick, it stopped pulling a few times but as I was only at about 2.5 lts I assumed operator error, was correct I had maybe pushed it in to far and end of tube had curled up, adjusted it a few times eventually got about 5.5 litres out of car, which seamed about right, the oil was Black very very black, not what I expected for 4000 mile oil, the plastic oil filter housing was done up so tight they must have used a breaker bar to do up.
Replacing filters were all very easy, was a bit taken back just how bad the pollen and air filters were, fuel filter no problem just fitted new one, turned ignition on for about 15 secs with out starting 3 times fired right up on 4th turn.
Anti freeze was bit of pain as had to jack up and remover tray, the red drain on rad was just in wrong place with out me making a special tool, bottom rad pip clip was set back and twisted around, so just removed it at other end from water pump and drained it there, the fluid that came out was almost like clear water with hint of blue, I was expecting it too be darker. drained it all filled with deionised water run to temp and drained again, filled with MB spec ready mix, I have enough for 2 changes so will run car for a bit and change again to make sure def have right mix, think I got about 4lts out of car and put same in, book says 4.6 for fluid change but not sure if that's just to change or total capacity of system.
The washer bottle was previously drained, cleaned and filled with deionised water and shell concentrate
I greased locks, gave rubber seals spray with gummie
Front breaks and discs look almost new, drop links I think I may replace before MOT, rear disc and pads about half worn so that's on to do list, exhaust seamed ok with the front section onto engine with sensor looking very new
Iv got to fit the new belt but held of for now, I noticed when pulling of hose from pump, was some oil gunk around that area, not wet like dripping just messy, followed up and could see also above pipe was an electrical wire (better seen from under bonnet) that also seams to have oil on it, not sure where it coming from but will need looking at
From a cost point of view to service a MB m very happy maybe there is a case for the A class, mechanically any way. and most tasks easy enough, hard part was was dealing with broken or missing fixings on car from previous repairs, or part that had been way over tightened or just chewed up.
Still need to do Auto box but will take to Indi for that
At least now I know they have been done, not sure what they did at 4,000 ago but almost everything I looked at needed doing